I answered this question yesterday: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36392715/overlapping-buttons-prevent-button-from-raising-on-touch/36414403#36414403.
Although not the best question, and could have been written better, it was answerable. I answered it.
Today, another question was posted, basically a duplicate of the one I answered yesterday, but written better and has 6 upvotes.
Per this Meta.SE answer by Shog, it could be appropriate to flag yesterdays question as a duplicate of today's question. Which is fine by me.
But what about my answer? The one from yesterday is an accepted answer, so I can't delete it, and posting it again on today's question feels a bit wrong to me.
What would be the appropriate action to take in this case? Flag today's question as duplicate? Answer today's question and flag yesterday's as duplicate?