No, there isn't a specific flag for duplicate answers. You already did the right thing by downvoting. The answer is not useful, as it brings nothing new to the table. That notion can also be expressed in a comment:
Can you elaborate on how this answer is different from the same answer posted 2 years ago?
Those with downvote privileges will get the hint.
If the answer is a blatant copy of a previous answer (that is, it appears to have been copied character-by-character) or it was obviously "heavily inspired" by a previous answer but does not provide any attribution to its source of inspiration, then you should flag it for a moderator's attention. Use a custom moderator flag, start your explanation with Possible plagiarism, and then explain where it is copied from and if or how attribution is missing.
If I find a single case of plagiarism, I like to sample a few more posts from their profile. Nine out of ten times, they make a habit of it. It is best to do this before raising the moderator flag, because then you can include all of that evidence in a single flag, saving the moderators some work and making it more clear what their best course of action would be.