tldr; Is it okay to edit answers into questions?
A user asked a question, then added a good clarifying example of what was intended. When OP received an answer suggestion in the comments, OP then edited a solution based off of that suggestion into the question.
I'm of the view that answers belong in the answer section, so I rolled back that last edit. And then I rolled back a subsequent OP edit when he added it again. But now OP rolled it back again and is very strongly insisting on keeping the answer in the question (emphasis in original):
Enough is enough. STOP EDITING THIS QUESTION. Edit your own answer if you feel like editing something. But keep your hands to your own stuff. Thank you
I think that's kinda bullshit, but the fact that OP has 90k rep gives me pause. Moreover, a 300k user proffered:
i always see the advice to askers that they post "what I have tried so far". I think alf is showing what he tried so far, based on user-comment input.
But I don't see how that's related to this case either - given that the edit was, again, a solution to the question - and not a failed attempt at one.