Why won't Stack Exchange reconsider the existence of « recommend or find a tool » off-topic tag?
Questions asking for recommendations attract link only answers (of course). Links are in the habit of rotting over time, which makes this type of question not a good fit for a Q&A site.
Questions like this also attract spam. The site has enough trouble with spam and some people can be fooled into thinking it's an honest answer if questions like these are allowed on the site.
We also now have Software Recommendations and Hardware Recommendations
Lastly, the site has developed since it began and we are focused on Programming questions, not recommendations about programming.
You asked in chat about this.
thanks, I think I just need to speak to the right person in Stack Roadmap Team with the right argument to make thing change or to make me see reason with tangible argument. Until that, I will keep trying. I just don't know who to contact ... :/
As I mentioned here, after some discussion in chat.
although SE is an organisation and the "powers that be" have the last say, it prides itself on community input. The community and the organisation doesn't want recommendations, there is also a softwareRecommendations.SE and a HardwareREcommendations.SE. And as has been mentioned here, it attracts spam and link only answers, which have proven not to survive the ravages of time. So the site doesn't want them.
Is it planned?
And as I mentioned in chat. This has been discussed by the site:
Where can I ask about "finding a tool, library, or favorite off-site resource?"
Are recommendations for books or tools off topic?
Request to reopen question on 'Which framework'
Where can I ask for recommendations for good and tested online training websites for ASP.NET?
Where to ask how to start with stuff related to programming?
Is it wrong to ask about the existence of a library?
How/where can I best ask about resources for Computer Science self-study?
And all evidence would suggest the community doesn't want these types of questions on SO and so yes, it was planned.
To answer your many comments wanting it to be open for discussion.
The community regards this as a closed issue and no longer wishes to debate it. That was the point of all the links I provided. As for further discussion, your question here has been answered.
From the comments:
"what matters is to leave the debate open ... We need open space to speak about it" - what do you think Meta is? "Which solution to bring back software recommendation [sic] inside SO" - no solution is needed, there isn't a problem. Thus far, it is disfavoured more than ten to one. You need to stop thinking of this a problem with SO to be solved. – jonrsharpe