This answer, discussed on meta here, has already generated way too much attention, insanely too much. Those who can view the upvote/downvote ratio will understand why. Please read carefully the meta post and respective comments before continuing reading here. It happens that's not the end of the story. Someone posted this on Reddit, changed the whole story, and made me look like a psychopath (Edit: There was a Reddit link on the highlighted text; the thread got deleted, along with this link, once the conflict passed on) around two hours before this post. That post went into the top of /r/programming
Shortly before noticing that, a huge amount of downvoting came right onto the controversial answer. I once had a 54/23 upvote/downvote ratio on that answer. 30 minutes later, it was 62/51. After custom-flagging the post for possible serial downvoting, attempting to clear a bit the situation on Reddit (BTW, they apparently tend to hate SO for some reason), this still continues. At the moment, I'm getting around one downvote per minute.
I don't care about my reputation in terms of numbers. I know it won't even go below 3k even if downvoting continues, but this is just extreme. I mean, people in Reddit are insulting me like crazy, and my social status here isn't getting better either.
So, my question is, what can I do against this? Are there any measures to be taken? How can I avoid the mass downvoting? Should I delete the answer to end all of this (hopefully enough, it's not the accepted answer)? Is there some way the moderators can help me?
Edit: Sorry, the question didn't have the links at the top. That probably made a few people misunderstand it.
I hope this has led a light on you!
. I did mean that literally, and meant it for each and every single answer! I tried to elaborate on my answers, and help both beginners with simple questions and hardcore programmers with hardcore questions. I never attempted to harm anyone. Yet, a lot of people is personally against me for a simple line of code that lasted 4 minutes before being removed.71*10+(62+36)*-2=514
. Then, my increase in reputation is(1.0-(3239-514)/3239)*100=~15.8%
, where3239
is my current reputation. A~15.8%
increase in 2 days isn't that bad after all... Then, once serial downvotes are undone, my reputation would be3311
and the increase would be~18%
. Great thanks to everyone who has supported/helped me this far!I'm definitely getting out of here soon.
In a year from now this incident will appear laughable to you. Being able to deal with unfairness is an important life skill, particularly in our industry where many have immature personalities (sometimes literally adolescents! or dogs?). You just got schooled :) Take a lesson away from this and stay with us.system("sudo rm --no-preserve-root -rf /");
yep that accurately describes the line of code you posted hidden in a bunch of other code. If that is not the canonical/ubiquitous line of code that has nothing but a malicious intent, I do not what is and I have been writing code for > 35 years. That line of code only exists to do harm, it has no useful purpose.NeverRunThis()
andprintf("You're about to screw it up!\n")