I appreciate that there is a point system in place so that new users do not have too much power over the community when they start out. If anyone could sign up and edit/delete someone else's answers, that would be a problem.
However, when a user has gained the privilege to view up/down/close votes, or edit posts, or write comments, it seems counter-intuitive to take those rights away because they gave away a bounty. This would, in my mind, create an atmosphere where we discourage participation in the community, because giving away a bounty becomes worse than a 0-sum game.
Perhaps this isn't as much of a problem for some of the higher-rep users as others, however, I find myself permanently in reputation-purgatory because my questions are sufficiently boring enough to require bounties.
EDIT: This post was marked as a duplicate of Why does giving a Bounty reduce your ranking on SO?. However, that question asks why bounties effect rep. Here I honestly don't care about rep, I care about privileges, and I am putting forward the motion that there should be two separate scores in the database for each user. Their rep, and their rep minus any bounties. The former decides your privileges, and the latter your visible rep. I am not asking why it is currently the way it is :)