Update: This was five years ago. I've since revised my judgement of Stack Exchange's ethics downward, roughly to zero.
I just received an email with an unsolicited job offer from somebody who claims to have found me on Stack Overflow. It was addressed to "Ed", a name I use nowhere but Stack Overflow (it's not my real name), and she says she's looking for a .NET developer, which I am.
So "random spam sent to 1,000,000 random people" is obviously a possibility, but it seems to me it's an unlikely one. Stack Overflow is the only place I know of where the name "Ed" is associated with my Gmail address and my profession. Anybody can say "Stack Overflow" in an email; putting that together with those two other pieces of information is curious.
She claims to be recruiting for a business called (seriously) "pureromance.com". The email seems to suggest that they sell sex toys or something related; I'm not going to click the link at work to find out the exact details.
UPDATE: Checked them out. It's not a legitimate business. It's a multi-level marketing deal where you pay them for the privilege of trying to sell their sex toys to your friends. They make the usual preposterous promises, with a thick layer of sex positive female empowerment rhetoric spackled on top.
I don't use Stack Overflow Jobs. I don't have a developer CV on Stack Overflow. These days I'm not contacting anybody anywhere about jobs (nor sex toys (NO NO IT"S FOR A FRIEND!!!)), and I've never gone looking for jobs under an assumed name anyhow. I often get emails from recruiters I've dealt with in the past, but they use my real name.
Is there any legitimate way a spammer could get my email address from Stack Overflow? I've got nothing about Stack Overflow on my LinkedIn or GitHub profiles.
It seems very much out of character for Stack Overflow to be handing out users' email addresses, even to reputable businesses. Or are recruiters regarded as an exception? If it is Stack Overflow, I'm disappointed, and I'd like to find the profile setting to prevent this from happening again.
But it seems really far-fetched that Stack Overflow is knowingly handing out my email address to anybody without explicit permission.
@Carpetsmoker links to the Stack Overflow Privacy Policy, which says just what you and I both assumed it would:
"It's hard to imagine that we would ever consider collecting, let alone sharing, sensitive information with a non-agent third party, but if such a day should come, we will first give you the opportunity to explicitly consent (opt-in) to such disclosure or to any use of the information for a purpose other than the one for which it was originally collected or previously authorized."
I just remembered I briefly corresponded a few months ago, using that same email address, with a Stack Overflow user.
It is a very strange world we live in.
Update 3
Two days later, on a Saturday, this Kathryn Pravel character contacted me again:
I wanted to follow up on my previous note about the Sr .Net role at Pure Romance. Any questions I can answer for you?
[blah blah blah blah]
I changed my "send as" name in gmail to a new unused pseudonym and replied:
Yeah, I've got a question you can answer:
Where did you get my contact information, and why are you bothering me?
Just curious. That name isn't associated publicly with that email address on Github or Stack Overflow.
No reply. I marked her as spam and that's the end of it.