i get stuck with a problem. I fiddle around with it for 3 hours maybe 3 days or whatnot turning the internet inside out. So finally as i am ready to give up i come to SO to get some help.
But the problem remains that had i been able to to identify the exact domain of the problem i probably wouldn't be in this grease to begin with.
I usually don't ask for help (irrelevant). But when i finally do... DOWN VOTES! glorious down votes. I'm a sour looser but perhaps i confuse "down vote".
This certainly makes it sound like you are doing things right. You are trying to solve a problem by yourself, you are doing some debugging to isolate the source of the problem, and you are doing some of your own research first before asking the question. Still unsuccessful, you ask a question. So far, so good.
And then you get a downvote. Again, no big deal. I don't know why you are "stung" so much by a single downvote. They're not a way for people to reach through the Internet and slap you in the face. You need to stop taking downvotes so personally. A downvote means, as per the tooltip, either that the question is unclear, not useful, or shows no research effort. Naturally, votes represent the subjective opinion of the voter. There are things you can do to help ensure that your question will be broadly appealing, but there is absolutely nothing you can do to make yourself immune from downvotes.
The problems with my questions would normally be:
- Question is vague
- Answer is open ended
- Terminology is different for each domain
- I don't understand the problem
- I don't understand the domain
So i guess i should understand what IS Stackoverflow and what it is NOT.
But then this makes it sound like you are actually asking the wrong type of question. Our guidelines for what is on-topic and what is not are pretty clear. If your questions fall into the categories you've enumerated, then they are really not welcome here. If you keep asking them, you can continue to expect a negative response (not just in terms of downvotes, but also in terms of having your questions closed and eventually deleted).
Perhaps what I'm asking for a is a community of people providing help instead of answers?
Sorry, we don't do that here. This is a question and answer site. We provide answers. Many people find answers to be helpful, so we've become a massive success by employing this model.
If you are not looking for answers, then you will be extremely frustrated by this site. We don't do tutorials, we won't hold your hand while you write code or learn a new language, we won't answer broad-reaching and open-ended questions about the future of programming or new technologies. If you want those things, I'm sure there are places on the Internet that can provide them. Stack Overflow is, however, not such a place.
Let's look at some specifics. The most recent (non-deleted) questions you've asked are:
Can't render simple transparent sprites in SharpGL
This question is, topically, just fine. It asks about a specific programming problem, and even includes some code. Looks reasonable. But it's been downvoted, so clearly it has some kind of problem. The answer it has received gives some clue as to what that problem might be. Namely, it is incredibly vague. Aside from a code dump and a couple of images, there is literally no explanation about what you are trying to accomplish. What isn't working? What you want to make work? The title doesn't make much sense (it is not even a question), and the question "How do I make the alpha work in my PNG?" is about the most vague question you could ever ask. What do you mean by "work"? What isn't working? What would "working" look like? No one can tell from your question.
Locking Frames Per Second to 60fps
This question is also topical, and much more specific (i.e., less vague). Not coincidentally, it hasn't been downvoted. The only thing wrong here is basically that you're asking to do something impossible. 60 fps is not something you're likely to achieve in WinForms. That could get you some downvotes, but it's more likely to just cause the question to go unanswered. Few people are willing to post Scott Chamberlain's comment in the answer box. Such answers are often poorly received, doubly so by the person who asked the question, so experts just move along and answer another question instead.
SQLite.NET causes reappearing and inconsistent problems
I have no real idea what this question is about, but that's not your fault. It is mine: I know nothing about SQLite. But it looks like a valid question, and it has been upvoted twice. No obvious problems here.
Is logging an exception into a MessageBox a good practice?
Uh oh, now we have a problem. This isn't a good question for Stack Overflow, and it has been rightly closed as "primarily opinion-based." The close reason should be a sufficient explanation as to what's wrong with this type of question and why we don't allow them, so I won't rehash it here. And I doubt this is one that you researched extensively before posting, as there is lots of advice already available on the Internet about handling exceptions. I know for a fact that I have posted comprehensive answers to Stack Overflow about good exception-handling practices on at least two separate occasions. You should have been able to find at least one of those. I bet there are lots of people with blogs who have written about this topic, too.
It looks to me like your real problem is not downvotes, but just the fact that you have not received answers. This is a scaling problem—the questions asked per-day vastly outnumbers the individuals willing and able to answer those questions. You can improve your odds by making your questions interesting, easy to find (well titled and tagged), and extremely clear. There is no perfect strategy, but failure to receive an answer doesn't necessarily mean you're doing anything wrong.