Suppose I have a problem P
- I have been working on the problem, I have found and implemented solution X, but I'm not sure how "good" it is. I believe I should post it to CodeReview
- I am also working on another solution Y which I think is better, but I have trouble implementing it. I believe I should post it to StackOverflow
- I am wondering if there isn't a better strategy to tackle the problem. I believe I should post it to Programmers
Those 3 questions would relate to the same problem yet they cover different aspects (of course there could be more or different aspects/target StackExchange websites, but let's consider those 3).
- To begin with I hope that my abstract example was good enough and that indeed, if taken individually, each of the 3 cases correspond to the right StackExchange website I have mentionned.
- Shoud I open 3 questions, one for each website ? Or try to merge the questions on a single website ? (I'd say that purely in terms of efficiency, posting on 3 websites is better as we reach specialized communities)
- Should I include references in each specific site to say that the same problem is also asked on a different StackExchange for different reasons ?
The question I had in mind is about denormalisation in MongoDB : I have a working solution, I have a better yet uncomplete solution, and then I have no idea how totally stupid or totally okay my solutions are.