The usage guidance is:
This tag has multiple meanings. Please DO NOT use this tag if you're just trying to find something.
And the description is:
- a filesystem search tool on various flavors of *nix,
- a filesystem search tool on various flavors of DOS and Windows,
- the name of a jQuery method,
- the name of a family of methods in ActiveRecord,
- a function in the C++ standard template library,
- a method of strings in Python,
- a method in many different NoSQL's to find documents in a collection.
So, this seems to be everything and nothing at the same time and it's not really useful to filter for this tag, isn't it?
I also like the usage guidance Please DO NOT use this tag if you're just trying to find something
, so if I want to find something using std::find
shall I use the tag or not ;)?
Can someone be an expert in find?
with [c++] and [find]. Or a question about the jQuery method with [find] and [jquery]. All tags are contextual, it is inevitable. That's why we allow 5 of them. This obsession with eliminating "meta" tags is getting ridiculous. The tag system will never be pure, and you wouldn't want it to be. Only "burninate" tags that are problematic.