
Say I see a question with -10 votes, and although I don't really like this question, I think it's not that bad to receive (at least) 10 downvotes. IMHO, that question should receive a vote of -1 or -2. Then should I downvote it to state my attitude towards the question itself, or upvote it to make it closer to -1/-2?

The ultimate question is: Is it OK to let others' votes affect my decision? And is it OK to downvote/upvote to manipulate the score a question/answer get deliberately?

  • 3
    Always, always, always vote on content, never, ever, ever on context.
    – user4639281
    Commented Feb 20, 2016 at 3:51
  • 1
    If the question is bad... why should you upvote it? seriously? "good" = "upvote". "bad" = "downvote".... nothing else... anyway do the math, since downvotes and upvotes don't give/remove the same amount of point, if you put a question at -10 up to -2..... the OP actually GAINS a lot of rep.... so... let's not make bad users get rep for bad questions...
    – Patrice
    Commented Feb 20, 2016 at 16:31

1 Answer 1


The ultimate question is: Is it OK to let others' votes affect my decision?

Why should you let this affect your own decision? You should vote by judging the contents of the question, and not what the actual voting score of that question is.

And is it OK to downvote/upvote to manipulate the score a question/answer get deliberately?

An upvote shouldn't be a counter action for a downvote or vice versa. Just do as mentioned above.

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