I posted a question with a very detailed example. After it was created, I realised that while the question was valid, it was not what I wanted and substantial edits had to be made.
To not waste anyone's time, I deleted the question. To my surprise, I cannot edit the question anymore.
Thus, if it is not possible to allow edits on deleted posts, how should I change the content of my question? Should I temporarily undelete the post, copy any code required, then delete it, and create a new post? Or should I just enter edit mode while the question is open for viewing by the public?
In response to the comment that I should be able to edit my deleted question, on my screen the edit button is greyed out. The only option is to share/close/undelete/flag:
I then went through and undeleted it, then deleted it, and then I could click the edit button, but this resulted:
Click refresh after this greys out the edit option.
As explained in the comments and the linked post, this is to stop question abuse. Thus I am slightly changing the question posed in this post. Since I am a relatively high rep user, I am less likely to be trying to question abuse by using the delete function.
So, can people like me edit our own deleted posts when a genuine mistake has been made? Or maybe, allow edits on posts deleted within 5 minutes of it being posted?