I just came across a question asked by a user with a gold badge, but very low rep. Curious about how they got the badge, I discovered it was for a "Famous Question." Curious about what made their other question famous, I discovered that it was actually not a very good question. I suppose it just became famous by having enough of the right words in it to google well.
I found this other meta question that suggested that a higher number of views should be required to get the famous question badge. I don't know if I really have much of an opinion on that, but doesn't it seem like the question should at least be required to not be downvoted and closed in order for it to get someone a gold badge?
I'm not really concerned with "fairness," or keeping score of who has which badges, but a couple of things bother me about this. Whether or not I should, I do tend to take posts from users that have more of them a bit more seriously, at least initially. Maybe that's just me. Also, the help center says:
Gold badges recognize important contributions from members of the community. They are rarely awarded.
yet there have been more of that particular gold badge awarded than almost every silver badge. Roughly grouping by number awarded, it seems to fit in better with bronze badges. I don't think that really makes sense.
is:question views:10000.. score:..-1 closed:1
, there are only 508, out of 268943 with justis:question views:10000..
. So I guess there's not really much impact there either.