The following question has gathered a couple hundred thousand views and more than 800 upvotes:
How do I debug Node.js applications?
How do I debug a Node.js server application?
Right now I'm mostly using alert debugging with print statements like this:
There must be a better way to debug. I know that Google Chrome has a command-line debugger. Is this debugger available for Node.js as well?
Most answers are very short tool recommendations and would be considered VLQ today.
There is however some very interesting information in there.
I do not think keeping this question open for more answers will bring any good.
It will only attract more VLQ and borderline spam.
In the spirit of The Definitive C++ Book Guide and List we could keep this link aggregating answer as community wiki and merge/delete the others. The question would be edited to reflect its tool rec nature and locked to prevent more answers to be posted.
Should this question stay in its current state?
If not, what should be done with it?
I brought this discussion to Meta instead of immediately sending it to the queue with a vote since it's an old, highly-upvoted post. I think we should decide as a community what happens next.
Thus, please refrain from close-voting the question, delete-voting it or its answers until consensus is achieved.