There seem to be two meanings for the acronym JSX. AltJS JSX and React JSX. As of now the latter seems to be the most popular, and many React-related questions are being erroneously tagged with the jsx tag, instead of the proper react-jsx tag.
I propose to rename the jsx tag to altjs-jsx (feel free to propose a better name) to remove this ambiguity.
As of now I see 146 questions tagged with reactjs and jsx. Those could be retagged in a matter of days, and order would be restored.
Update: The situation is further worsened by the fact that react-jsx is a synonym of reactjs as seen on this page:
If you've added a reactjs tag to the question and then trying to add react-jsx tag, your attempt is being silently ignored. No warning, you just don't see your tag added to the question. You have to somehow know that the tags are synonyms.
I imagine a lot of users will add a jsx tag instead.
. This is a problem that should be addressed one way or the other.