You know the little blue/orange/occasionally-other-colors box where we advertise Jobs on Stack Overflow?
Aren't they beautiful? Don't you love their design? We love them like a mother would love her... neighbor's ugly child... and it sure has been fun hanging out with them, but perhaps it's time to go.
The reality is, we've never spent much design time on these, and it shows. Not only could the aesthetics be improved, but we think there's potential to improve their utility by altering what information we present, and how we present it. So, with the recent change in sidebar size, we think it's finally time to give them some love. Well, not these ads, they're ugly, and love ain't gonna solve that, but we can get newer prettier ads and love them instead!
Tell us Your Ideas
We're just barely getting started with ideas internally, but we wanted to simultaneously open up the floor to ideas from the community, rather than waiting until we're done and asking for feedback.
So now is your chance to tell us: What factors into your decision to click or not click on an ad? What kinds of information are most important to you? Do you have any anecdotes on how you select jobs to apply for? Besides individual job listings, are there other types of ads for the job board that you would find interesting? Other ideas or comments?
- We have to design for both 300x250px and 300x500px "creative" sizes.
- All of our basic ad rules will apply: nothing super obnoxious, no animated ads, no hover actions, etc.
- We're looking to design more than one replacement ad. We'll start with gut feelings, then A/B test various ideas to see which ones are effective.
- This isn't a design competition, though you are free to submit images if it helps you express your ideas. We might use them as inspiration.
We're not looking for feedback on how we could give you more individual control over the ads you see, or to stop seeing job ads entirely if you're truly not interested. Honestly, we really want to do that, and it will happen, but for the moment, let's keep this on topic.
Our Initial Ideas
A few basic ideas we're already throwing around. Feel free to comment or expand on them.
- Display a single job per ad, but with more information about the job/company, and perhaps images.
- Display a single job, but make the ad interactive where you could swipe through multiple listings.
- Create themed ads for specific geographies with lots of jobs, like New York and London.
- Creatives which don't advertise specific jobs, but instead advertise how many jobs we have in a particular tech stack in a particular location, perhaps highlighting how many were posted recently.
For reference, I've put together two documents which contain:
so long as you outline the salary with a freehand red circle.<blink>
has even more red boxes, and even some nested yellow-in-red boxes, it must be extra deprecated. Never mind, I'm out of ideas.