At my workplace almost every site is blocked. At first they have blocked Google, but after I made a request they gave me access to use Google. Then I found that Stack Overflow is blocked, but after I made a second request, they gave me access to Stack Overflow, but now unfortunately Stack Overflow is not working properly and I am not able to login.
After carefully observing (browser console and browser network), I came to know that they have blocked jQuery Google CDN.
I made a request again and got access to all jQuery CDN and now I can login, but unfortunately Stack Overflow chat is not working properly. I found the following problems:
I am not able to filter or search. When I type a user name or chat room name, then the rooms or users are not filtered.
When I click on join room then it only shows loading... please wait for second.
I am not able to find out which other external sites are blocked. Which external sites are necessary for Stack Overflow to work properly?