My team recently released a product that has a public api. We provided several api clients, but we want to encourage users to write their own as well.
It is against SO community guidelines to ask a specific question about implementing an api for my product with my own answer?
It would certainly be helpful to anyone looking to consume the api, but I can't deny that I'm also looking to draw new users to use my product.
According to this question, many would say this is NOT ok. However, I'm clearly active on SO for much more than self promotion.
I still believe this is not a duplicate because I plan on asking good, specific (but not too specific questions) like a good stack overflow user. However, what is starting to make sense to me from everyone's answer and comments, is that I should either wait for my users to post questions, or wait until I've been asked the same question multiple times and self-answer it. We have good documentation, and it's getting better, but some people just google stack overflow.
service with javascript?" would be better.