Recently, we presented the community with our idea for the Developer Story to get your thoughts and feedback; and feedback we got! We appreciate all the comments and answers on the original post.

In hindsight, we realize that we missed the boat, didn't follow our own advice, and failed to include a lot of valuable information about this new feature; this post will address what was missed. It really comes down to

part 2

The Developer Story is our evolution of the traditional CV, and it's replacing the existing Jobs (or Careers) CV. This isn't a new feature; it's part of the integration of Jobs on Stack Overflow and it's an upgrade to the function. The Developer Story will allow users to show off their achievements in a new format. If you're interested in job opportunities, then this is for you. If you're not, then you can totally ignore this feature, as it will not change any of the existing Q&A features of the site.

What problem are we trying to solve?

Resumes have been around for 500+ years and were first invented to be an introduction for travelling Lords. Using it as an introduction is great if you want to show off a list of credentials, but you are more than your degree or a list of places where you worked. You are also what you've worked on; what you've written. Technology has evolved, but tech resumes haven't so we're redesigning how this information is displayed.

When Stack Overflow Q&A launched, our community took a strong position that on SO, you should be judged on what you know, not who you are. In other words, judge the content, not the contributor. We strongly believe that hiring developers needs more of that attitude. The Developer Story is your story: it gives you a better way to find a job you love based on what you can do, not who you are. Instead of presenting yourself as a bulleted list of action verbs, you'll be able to show off the stuff that actually matters to you, including the technologies you work with and any public artifacts like open source projects or applications you've written.

The design is different from a traditional resume because we're also trying to get employers to think differently about candidates by emphasizing what you've done. We know that it will take some time, so employers will still have the option to see your history in a traditional sorted view, but even in that view we're presenting a more complete picture of your history.

It's called "Developer Story" but I'm not a developer; can I still use it?

We have difficulty naming things because naming is hard. We selected Developer Story because it seems to encompass a large portion of our users, but if you have suggestions on what it should be called, we're all ears.

Even if your title isn't developer, we have jobs posted for developers, sysadmins and project managers; this feature is available to everyone on Stack Overflow regardless of job title. It's not practical, at this time, to have multiple jobs sites and given that the majority of users are developers it makes the most sense to have it on Stack Overflow. Employers, however, are able to sort for any title, so if your details are available and you're open to job opportunities, then you'll be seen.

Why can't I share content from non-SO sites?

You can! You already have the ability to add top answers from other sites around the network, and we're looking at ways to share other achievements.

What if I want my careers info separate from Stack Overflow?

The integration of Jobs into Stack Overflow means that we will no longer have two systems separating the data. We will be migrating all existing CVs into the new Developer Story; the migration also includes honoring all existing privacy settings. Privacy is very important to us, so if your current details are private, then they will stay private in the new version. Also if you choose, you'll be able to make the whole Developer Story completely private, or only searchable to employers.

Is Stack Overflow becoming a jobs site?

Stack Overflow is the online home of the world's developers, and we're focused on building a place that solves many of the problems developers face. We started with being the best place to get answers to your questions. Now we're expanding the ways that we serve developers by creating better documentation and improving your job search process to give programmers to opportunity to get a job that they love.

So no, we're not turning into a jobs site or even a documentation site. Q&A is still our core product and always will be, as Tim said

Nothing can detract from core Q&A. Losing our focus on what we've built together is not an option.

While Q&A will always be the crux of what we do, it's no longer the only feature of Stack Overflow. We will always preserve the Q&A experience even as we add other features.

Is Stack Overflow turning into a social network?

The developer story is a contemporaneous list of things that show others stuff you're good at doing. Any resemblance to other contemporaneous lists of things (including history books) is purely coincidental.

We wouldn't do that to you. Or us.

Have we turned to investor-driven development?

No, we're still all about product-driven development. In fact we've historically been so focused on Q&A as a product that it's easy for folks to forget that we are a business that needs to generate revenue. In order to continue growing, we need to find other ways to serve developers in ways that no one else is doing (or doing well). Our investors expect us to continue to grow, but they don't tell us how to do it.

Growth does not by any stretch mean abandoning our commitment to high quality Q&A, but we understand the concerns that many of you have expressed. For a very long time, all that we did was core Q&A, and we just expected that people knew that's what we were doing. Yet here we are talking about a bunch of other stuff that's more distant from our main product, and we haven't been communicating about what we're doing with the main product very much even though we're still doing a lot of things with it.

We've heard you, and you'll hear more from us when it comes to what we're working on inside of core Q&A. Now that we have more than one thing, we can no longer assume everyone knows what we're doing, and we're sorry to have assumed.

Yes, we need to do things in order to help Jobs/Careers realize its full potential, which will make our investors feel happy - but the core reason behind everything we do is and will always be serving the needs of developers in ways that do not diminish what we've worked hard building together.

Put together, what does all this mean?

Our high quality Q&A platform is what built this business, and we'll never lose our focus on it or do anything to impede it. With your help, we changed how developers learn through Q&A, and we think we made it substantially better. Now we've found additional ways to solve other very real problems that developers face, and we're approaching those problems in the same considerate and powerful manner as we did Q&A.

We will always ask for feedback and we sincerely value the time that all of you consistently give in order to help us get things right, or sometimes a little less wrong; we're sorry that we weren't more clear when we came to you initially. To reiterate, you don't have to use this feature if you don't want to - and we're fine with that.

  • 292
    Hey, only 1 meme / image macro this time. I'd say we're already improving.
    – CubeJockey
    Commented Jan 13, 2016 at 17:16
  • 21
    @CubeJockey I was overly ambitious the first time. As the meme says "we screwed up."
    – Taryn
    Commented Jan 13, 2016 at 17:22
  • 135
    I miss Jeff :((
    – Seth
    Commented Jan 13, 2016 at 17:27
  • 51
    Side note: Working here has the strange side effect of quadrupling your gif / meme collection weekly. I blame chat.
    – user50049
    Commented Jan 13, 2016 at 17:31
  • 77
    @Seth you know, I miss him too. Keep in mind we're executing a plan that was always supposed to happen; it just kept being put off because, well, it's hard from every standpoint (engineering is a big one). It has always been our intent to get Jobs into the main site and innovate in that field. I wish Jeff was along for this part of the ride because he has very strong feelings about crappy contingency recruiters, stupid logic puzzles and the whole other stinky plethora of crap we hope to end by building a better example of how hiring can be done.
    – user50049
    Commented Jan 13, 2016 at 17:38
  • 18
    Thanks for following your own advice this time around. This reads much more like a proposed improvement than an announcement of a fancy new feature.
    – user4639281
    Commented Jan 13, 2016 at 17:48
  • 26
    Can you please at least admit that jobs expansion is necessary to keep the platform afloat as your main source of income? That's not a crime, but it's worse to omit it.
    – dthree
    Commented Jan 13, 2016 at 17:49
  • 93
    @dhtree, totally: Jobs & Ads are how we monetize, and we need money for goods and services to build a place that developers (and others) can help one another. As far as HOW to monetize, the history of the internet is littered with "help" sites that got funded by the military, paywalls, or oppressive ads. We DO think that a better way to find jobs is an actual service, but if nothing else, I hope you'd agree that in the scheme of things, OUR approach to monetization (including ads, where we pass on a lot of $$ to keep them from being irritating) is pretty benign and respectful of our users.
    – Jaydles
    Commented Jan 13, 2016 at 17:55
  • 30
    This still feels like you're saying "we're not turning into a social network/jobs site/unicorn factory" but your actions show otherwise. Commented Jan 13, 2016 at 18:01
  • 19
    @David for it to be a social network, there would have to be a social part. The only "networking" part of this is helping you "network" with prospective employers.
    – user4639281
    Commented Jan 13, 2016 at 18:03
  • 16
    @AshleyMedway No matter how you say that, unless you provide reasoning that can be discussed, it is an empty argument.
    – user4639281
    Commented Jan 13, 2016 at 18:19
  • 15
    You can do surveys and polls and stuff; AFAIK, we've already been doing that, @Tiny. Anecdotally though, this tends to be very polarizing: folks with good work tend to not see ANY problems, folks without work see the entire system broken and rigged against them. You can skew your results very easily by picking the wrong sample.
    – Shog9
    Commented Jan 13, 2016 at 18:26
  • 49
    -1: still no free-hand circles.
    – Shog9
    Commented Jan 13, 2016 at 20:09
  • 32
    Looking at the Developer Story mockup in the linked question, I don't see what makes it so special — it appears to be a slightly-harder-to-read version of the information in the existing CV. You can already include "the technologies you work with and any public artifacts like open source projects or applications you've written." Given that I've had messages on SO Jobs from recruiters that have outright failed to read my location settings or skills from my existing CV, I'm not sure spreading out this stuff along a timeline will make a big/positive difference. Commented Jan 13, 2016 at 20:59
  • 35
    How about "professional story" instead of "developer story"? :-) Commented Jan 14, 2016 at 17:52

19 Answers 19


tl; dr People who want to game rep and badges (the least useful people on the site) are going to want to game it even more if it is tightly integrated with their resume, and more of them will appear. People who are altruistically making the site better (the most useful people on the site) are going to feel turned off and contribute elsewhere.

A lot of people expressed doubts about this in the previous meta post, because of a lot of quite nebulous but related reasons, such as Stack Overflow becoming a social network or the main Q&A purpose of the site being deprioritized. We all understand that the driver to integrate jobs-related things closer in Stack Overflow does not come out of nowhere, but it is motivated by the site making money. This is important for Stack Overflow's future, and there is nothing evil about making money. However, there is a strong and concrete reason why this is not zero-sum for Stack Overflow, and why the argument of 'If you don't like this, don't use it.' does not apply.

  1. Stack Overflow's most important asset is its contributors. Specifically, the people who post good answers. Questions are important but less so.
  2. Good answers do not appear, by magic, from a large enough number of people being on a site. Good answers exists because people take the time, care and effort to write them. Contributions to the site are not evenly distributed. A quite small number of people who have made an superhuman effort (the J*n Sk**ts, and a couple of tiers below them) have had a huge impact. If you took away all their contributions, Stack Overflow would be much, much worse.
  3. In general, these people are motivated by altruism, and a love of teaching and learning. I believe that recognition by a community of those who have made an important contribution is a major, and honorable, part of this.
  4. Many of Stack Overflow's biggest problems are caused by people 'gaming the system' to accumulate reputation points and badges. I would say that all the major problems of quality, consistency and balance are caused by them, except for those (admittedly very large) caused by very new users who don't have any understanding of Stack Overflow's ethos.
  5. These people are motivated by a desire to appear like knowledgeable and productive members of the community, without actually necessarily being helpful.
  6. The general drive, both by Stack Overflow itself, and by others, to use Stack Overflow as a recruitment screening tool, vastly multiplies the incentives to the latter group.
  7. It also undermines the motivation of the former group, who now look like canny self-promoters rather than the most generous participants in a gift economy.

There is somewhat of a precedent in what happened when the Debian Project paid two developers to work full time. Lots of others who were making huge contributions in their spare time left the project because they felt the game had changed.

  • 142
    This is definitely something we're concerned about and watching for. You left out one other potential problem though: an awful lot of the best contributions on SO come from folks who are... bored at work. There's a real cost to the site if we get too good at helping folks find intellectually-stimulating work. It's a trade-off...
    – Shog9
    Commented Jan 13, 2016 at 18:09
  • 12
    Where did you get "career rep and badges" from? Based on the post it doesn't sound like they're planning to add gamification to the job process, just change the format of the information.
    – davidism
    Commented Jan 13, 2016 at 18:12
  • 43
    @davidism: I think it's referring to the notion commonly held by some users that rep and badges matter to potential employers. It gets worse when you consider that - for better or for worse - some employers out there do actually look at these numbers...
    – BoltClock
    Commented Jan 13, 2016 at 18:13
  • 9
    @Shog9: Good thing I'm neither of those. I'm an altruistic contributor and a happy hobbyist developer.
    – BoltClock
    Commented Jan 13, 2016 at 18:16
  • 7
    Yeah, we tried to rope you in and failed... Curses!
    – Shog9
    Commented Jan 13, 2016 at 18:23
  • 7
    It's one thing for an employer to read the posts I've made to SO, and another for them to look at the summary provided by badges, rep, and "top X%". The former is much much harder to game (but of course also more work for an employer to really use). The "Story" page doesn't seem to emphasize the stats too much: they're fairly small. On the other hand, they're also the second or third thing; maybe they would be better "below the fold".
    – jscs
    Commented Jan 13, 2016 at 19:14
  • 12
    The Careers CVs already allow you to link an SE account and display its rep, and if you have a linked SO account, we'll display any tags you're in the top 10, 20, or 30% for. Those items are presented a little bit differently in the developer story layout, but they're on Careers CVs today, and have been for quite a while...I'm not sure that this is as big a problem as you fear it might be, though it is something we're keeping in mind.
    – Laura
    Commented Jan 13, 2016 at 19:20
  • 5
    A legitimate concern for sure. This, by the way, is part of the impetus to explore things like Teams and Documentation. The value of a person's contributions throughout their career can't be reduced to something as gamified as rep and badges, and Q&A needs to continue to be a labor of love.
    – Ana
    Commented Jan 13, 2016 at 19:37
  • 62
    What's always bothered me is the fact that I can't share what i've worked on, because it's all enterprise apps/tools that never appear outside of the company. In my case a developer story for me would be relatively empty if not for the contributions within SO itself.
    – Kevin B
    Commented Jan 13, 2016 at 19:44
  • 7
    Unintended consequences are a killer, @Travis. We're discussing a feature that doesn't require any investment - you can log on TODAY and create a CV with no rep earned, and the proposal here is to make this even more attractive. Will that motivate destructive behaviors? Well, I hope not - we've certainly tried to avoid anything that'd lead to such outcomes. But you don't try your best and then stick your fingers in your ears and close your eyes... You watch to make sure you didn't miss something.
    – Shog9
    Commented Jan 13, 2016 at 20:07
  • 7
    You know that for a long time Careers was invite-only / offered only to folks who'd participated constructively on SO, right @TravisJ? That changed a while back, but it wasn't exactly promoted heavily until very recently - the focus was on showing folks relevant jobs, not encouraging them to create CVs. Anyway, to answer your question we've seen very little negative behavior thus far - which is promising. There have been one or two instances where someone's tried to inflate their stats for CV purposes, but these have been handled in the normal fashion.
    – Shog9
    Commented Jan 13, 2016 at 20:32
  • 10
    @KevinB Wish you had posted that separately so it wasn't buried in the comments. I think a lot of people are in a similar situation.
    – Troyen
    Commented Jan 13, 2016 at 22:25
  • 3
    Whenever I complain about people gaming the site and scoring system I get the canned "Oh no, that doesn't happen here, we have systems in place to stop that." Why is such a blind-eye turned to it? Because it makes the sites look good to investors, that's why. Pop will eat itself, especially when it has investors. Commented Jan 16, 2016 at 7:56
  • 7
    Way back when, the standard answer to "people are only doing the right thing for rep" was "who cares, as long as value is being added to SO?". Quite honestly, the devs who think employers will only look at one number are an ideal match for the employers who do only look at one number (if that isn't a myth)
    – Benjol
    Commented Jan 19, 2016 at 5:44
  • 5
    The biggest problem SO has is its moderator zealotry and bureaucracy. Things that just slap question askers and answer makers in the face over and over again. Good luck becoming a 10K user if you aren't already a 10K user. The deck is so stacked against new users, I fear everything implodes upon itself as veterans just get tired of a meritocracy that's been replaced by fiefdoms Commented Jan 20, 2016 at 23:55

I like the old resume, and I also like having it on SO. It's well organized, lets me communicate the information I want, and is also recognized everywhere else. How is the new system actually better? What can it do that the current one can't?

...based on what you can do, not who you are. ... you'll be able to show off the stuff that actually matters to you, including the technologies you work with and any public artifacts like open source projects

I don't feel that the current "traditional" system prevents me from showing what matters to me. It shows the tech I work with, open source projects I've written, and anything else I want. I want to show myself off as a well organized page, not as a bunch of stories spread left and right along a timeline.

Comments Summary:

I'd like to see some user stories or examples of how a developer should be hired that would only work well, or would work better, with this new story format. Tim says that they will work on explaining that.

I'd like the ability to choose whether others will see my resume or timeline by default. bluefeet says that they will consider this during development.

  • 21
    You can cook a crazy amount of things in an ordinary toaster if you get creative enough, but you're kinda bending how you do it to fit constraints. Yeah, you can do a lot in a CV - we think we can really improve the format itself to catch up with the way developers should be hired. A lot of work is also going into helping employers better understand how to hire (the whole process). We think it's a better, less constrained way for developers to show what they know - all I can say is give it an honest try and see what you think when it ships.
    – user50049
    Commented Jan 13, 2016 at 17:21
  • 20
    We heard the concerns from the original post we decided that we will have two views for you, the user; you'll be able to view your history in a sorted view or in the new design. We just have a limited amount of space on what we could address in a single post and we don't want you all reading the Iliad here.
    – Taryn
    Commented Jan 13, 2016 at 17:25
  • 12
    I agree with this answer 100%
    – Just Do It
    Commented Jan 13, 2016 at 17:42
  • 6
    @TimPost can you give an example of how a developer should be hired that would only work well, or would work better, with this new story format?
    – davidism
    Commented Jan 13, 2016 at 17:45
  • 2
    @bluefeet assuming the story will still be linked from the profile page, will we have a preference which controls which version other people see? Or will everyone else see the new format even if I like how the old one represents me?
    – davidism
    Commented Jan 13, 2016 at 17:47
  • 6
    @davidism I think you'll appreciate the fact that I'm mentioning that the proof wouldn't fit in this margin while not ducking the question. The feature itself isn't yet fully baked, so I don't want to give an example of something we ultimately can't ship, but I'll talk to the team behind this and see if we can add an answer to this question to show some more preliminary stuff (it seriously doesn't fit in this margin).
    – user50049
    Commented Jan 13, 2016 at 17:49
  • 7
    I think it would be much better if instead of choosing to opt-out, you get to choose to opt-in
    – Just Do It
    Commented Jan 13, 2016 at 17:50
  • 3
    @TimPost totally understand that it can be complicated to explain. I'm sure you guys have a vision for this, I just want to see it too.
    – davidism
    Commented Jan 13, 2016 at 17:50
  • 3
    @davidism I agree that (even with a THIS IS NOT CARVED IN STONE disclaimer) a little more might help. I promise to see what I can do, it might take a few days, we've really got a lot going on with it. Stack Overflow is really fast, for instance - so we don't want to promise something early on that might get long-term delayed by performance tests - but I will see what I can do.
    – user50049
    Commented Jan 13, 2016 at 17:54
  • 2
    @davidism We're still working through a lot the details on this and I'm not sure we decided one way or another on that. Thanks for bringing it up though because it might not be something the devs/designers have thought about.
    – Taryn
    Commented Jan 13, 2016 at 17:55
  • 1
    I have yet to see the actual benefit of the changes, if there's change but no improvement then it's a waste of time, effort, and resources.
    – Just Do It
    Commented Jan 13, 2016 at 17:58
  • 7
    @JustDoIt The benefit is evolving the way employers look for devs.
    – user4639281
    Commented Jan 13, 2016 at 18:00
  • 7
    Looking at a fancy timeline? @TinyGiant , IMHO just by naming it "story" it automatically becomes less professional.
    – Just Do It
    Commented Jan 13, 2016 at 18:08
  • 3
    Will the current resume view still be available? I like it very much, and have used the printed (well, technically pdf'd) version of it to land my last 3 jobs.
    – AShelly
    Commented Jan 15, 2016 at 18:55
  • 4
    @davidism I really like the comment summary you did here, I think I'm going to start doing that where prudent, too.
    – user50049
    Commented Jan 18, 2016 at 13:39


Looking for a "better" name? What about Stack Trace? (Or even Back Trace.) It's something that not only developers, but students, sysadmins, etc deal with. It logs the journey of some execution, in this case, the user's story.

Edit: After reading the comments, I now see the issue with having a technical name that recruiters/HR must read. Maybe "Developer Story" is the best thing then. (Any other ideas I have include "History", which just sounds boring.)

Edit 2: Additional name ideas from the comments:


There's nothing I would change with the Developer Story feature. Sure, it's possible to "game the system", but anyone who would has probably done so with the current CVs. (They already showed top answers, selected by the user.) I don't think an employer would necessarily turn down someone because another person had more upvotes than them.

I still think improvements could be made for other features (chat, moderation)... But this post clarified the connection that the Developer Story had to Careers Unification. Initially, it sounded like Yet Another Social Network that just happened to coincide with Careers.

Thanks for clarifying everything. I'm looking forward to the feature now!

  • 43
    how about "heap dump"
    – djechlin
    Commented Jan 13, 2016 at 22:22
  • 1
    Yes! Yes! Yes! :)
    – Zizouz212
    Commented Jan 13, 2016 at 22:27
  • 16
    Oh... That's clever.
    – Shog9
    Commented Jan 14, 2016 at 0:07
  • 67
    -1 for those clever names. They may be more inclusive, but they're also more obfuscated and confusing, which is not something I'd want in a CV context. Commented Jan 14, 2016 at 1:16
  • 1
    I don't care about the name, but +1 for the second paragraph. That's just what I thought.
    – Hexaholic
    Commented Jan 14, 2016 at 9:13
  • Agreed with @JeremyBanks especially if we are hoping for recruiters to be looking at this, they might not know what it is and overlook it completely.
    – aug
    Commented Jan 18, 2016 at 19:28
  • 1
    @JeremyBanks I see where you are coming from. It was just a thought, though. If we want recruiters/HR to understand it, then Developer Story may be the best name.
    – user3373470
    Commented Jan 18, 2016 at 19:30
  • 17
    Stack Trace™ Developer Story Powered By Red Bull®
    – Air
    Commented Jan 19, 2016 at 16:37
  • 2
    Stack trace is usually associated with an error, which hopefully are few and negligible in the persons' past (or at least unnoticed)... that would sort-of lead to negative connotations. I do however like the suggestion by @Air but would suggest Developer Context instead of Developer Story, as context is what is being achieved over and above a standard CV/resumé and story reeks of being fictitious. Commented Jan 19, 2016 at 21:40
  • 3
    @MichaelMiles-Stimson StackOverflow is an actual error, if you didn't know already :-)
    – 0xC0DED00D
    Commented Jan 21, 2016 at 21:31
  • 1
    Ha Ha @noob, quite true, I think it's a quiet 'in joke' amongst developers that the paramount place to go for real help is named after an error. The majority of programmers I have conversed with were quite fond of subtle humor and 'in' jokes... so I humbly suggest the slight modification to the phrase postulated by the comment by Air be Stack Trace™ Developer Context Powered By Red Bull®. Commented Jan 21, 2016 at 21:57
  • @MichaelMiles-Stimson Yeah I like the modification too. It looks HR-ish xD
    – 0xC0DED00D
    Commented Jan 22, 2016 at 6:23
  • 4
    Stack Trace is perfect! We can expect HR people to adopt a new term every once in a while. Just think of all the buzzwords that came the other direction over the years!
    – frnhr
    Commented Jan 25, 2016 at 22:03
  • 2
    "Stack Trace" -> "Professional Trace" -> ptrace Commented Jan 26, 2016 at 17:33
  • 1
    What about "Life Story" a resume is basically that, a person's life story, where they went to school, work, volunteer, their work history, what they would like to do, awards the received and etc. :)
    – Kbdavis07
    Commented Apr 16, 2016 at 16:49


I wanted to be able to add things that weren't job experience and open source projects to the timeline, and that's possible, so my concern is already solved by the upcoming feature.

What's always turned me away from setting up a CV (besides the fact that I'm not really looking for a new job) is that it always felt very empty for me.

I've had one employer since becoming a professional developer and I've been with them for almost 8 years now. I don't have a large history of education, and I haven't really contributed to any open source projects (unless you consider moderation contribution, I did a lot of moderation on the jQuery forums before coming here, but I don't know how to include that in my CV anyway.)

The majority of the projects I've worked on since being here are all behind a firewall and closed source, so I can't really share them in the same way as open source projects. There are no public repositories to link to. There are no public facing endpoints to link to. No press releases describing these projects from a developer standpoint, etc.

This leaves me with a somewhat barren, boring CV. It would be nice if the CV (and/or developer story) could somehow facilitate sharing these projects that aren't publicly facing.

  • 12
    The developer story allows you to add "project" that are not online (in other words you can add a specific category/title/image/description). You'd also talk about technology: when you switched tech stack, when you discovered code etc. You won't have an empty page with the developer story :).
    – Stéphane
    Commented Jan 14, 2016 at 16:34
  • 5
    Ah, then it does pretty much exactly what i was asking for, I just didn't know what I was asking for. :)
    – Kevin B
    Commented Jan 14, 2016 at 16:36
  • 3
    @KevinB I think knowing this now, it would be helpful to update your answer. I still upvoted for you, though, because I am in the same boat. 95% (at least) of my commits are for closed source projects.
    – user3373470
    Commented Jan 15, 2016 at 13:59
  • 2
    This was my biggest concern as well (mostly closed source or government work in my CV) so I'm glad you brought this up and @StéphaneMartin comment is reassuring. Commented Jan 18, 2016 at 21:03
  • 5
    This has been a problem for me as well. Open source development is virtually nonexistant where I live (Japan) and not all of us have had time since the advent of github and SO to noodle around trying to prove that we are masters of $buzzword. This leads to a chicken/egg problem: I would like to get a remote position where I could contribute to open source (and incidentally have a more interesting "modern" open source presence), but I can't get a job like that without gaming github and SO first. Its especially annoying to me since I've been in the oss community since the early 90's!
    – zxq9
    Commented Jan 22, 2016 at 1:09
  • 1
    Me too! Those of us who have been doing solid work in niche (or maybe less "sexy") fields for decades feel left out by initiatives like this.
    – TrojanName
    Commented Jan 25, 2016 at 18:21

Something that concerns me.....

As much of the code I post here has been written by me, while in work. I go to a great deal of trouble to remove all references to my company from said code. I do this because:

  1. I'm not sure how my company will feel about me sharing code I've written in work online
  2. I don't want to expose the working of our website online. Am I giving potential hackers information that they can exploit, etc.!
  3. I don't want my employer to see my SO rep and presume I'm spending all day on SO instead of doing my job (I don't but I'm not sure they'll understand)

So I don't want who I work for plastered all over my SO profile. I want this to be seperate.

  • 1
    While there is no explicit opt-out feature, I think you can hide fields from being displayed to the public. You do bring up a good point, as this is not fully explained.
    – user3373470
    Commented Jan 15, 2016 at 13:50
  • 6
    If this is implemented. I'll likely remove myself from the careers portal altogether. Who knows I might re-add myself if I started looking for a job. But if I'm looking for a job, why not just apply for the jobs advertised using a good old fashioned CV.
    – Liam
    Commented Jan 15, 2016 at 14:39
  • 3
    What is included in your timeline will always be your choice, it's entirely optional. Also, you'll have the ability to choose whether employers who are looking for candidates will be able to see you. The big advantage for both us and the developers is that the moment you choose to apply to a job you can turn on your profile and apply.
    – Sklivvz
    Commented Jan 15, 2016 at 17:01
  • 1
    very good point. a huge number of software engineers work in financial services at lawyered up firms else government and they need to keep the anonymity as it is a "don't ask, don't tell" policy at such companies with respect to SO.
    – simbo1905
    Commented Jan 24, 2016 at 16:36
  • +1 for 3rd point. I also feel the same. If i show my SO profile then employer may think he spends more time on SO than work.
    – Sandeep
    Commented Mar 23, 2016 at 11:30

Is Stack Overflow becoming a jobs site?

. . . So no, we're not turning into a jobs site or even a documentation site. Q&A is still our core product and always will be, as Tim said.

But documentation has its own beta site, so that's misleading isnt' it? Nobody externally would confuse these two different sites. 'Integrating' job search into any website, no matter what its base/original theme was, fundamentally changes what that site was about. You said earlier that 40% of the people that come to StackOverflow for jobs. If that is true, and you are now expanding CV's, with the stated intention of changing the way companies hire technical expertise, how would you describe StackOverflow to an HR person, or a hiring manager, or to a good engineering manager from a good company who doesn't want to see his talent get snatched away? How do you convince any of those people to not have their company block your website from their systems like they've already blocked LinkedIn for the very same reason?

It should not be 40% of the people coming to the job search site looking for a job, it should be 100% and should be on its own specific website that is meant for just exactly that. Then if companies decide to block CareersOverflow or whatever you want to call it, it doesn't affect all of the rest of us who came here because of the original spirit of what StackOverflow is (was?).

  • 4
    I was under the impression that Documentation would be merged into Stack Overflow once it is out of beta.
    – user4639281
    Commented Jan 14, 2016 at 8:37
  • @TinyGiant, That is the plan. But Jobs is in Beta and already merged into this site, and is clearly meant to be a primary focus of this site going forward. Documentation may or may not be merged. If it is, so be it. If it isn't, so be it. But it is still its own site with its own intentions. Nobody is going to block Documentation no matter where it's at. Many companies already block job search sites.
    – ouflak
    Commented Jan 14, 2016 at 8:58
  • 3
    Jobs Beta is really the beta integration of the existing careers platform, not that Jobs itself is new, it is just a new name and a new place for something old. I don't think it is going to be a "primary focus" as much as a useful integration. The fact that companies block job sites is unrelated to companies blocking or not blocking a programming resource such as Documentation will be. That is most likely because the company you work for doesn't want you looking for a job on their dime, and by rights they shouldn't want that.
    – user4639281
    Commented Jan 14, 2016 at 9:02
  • 10
    @TimGiant, you're making my point perfectly (+1). Trying to compare what happens with Documentation to what happens with Jobs is disingenuous. No company is ever going to block a Documentation site even if they get the false impression that that is all that StackOverflow is about. But if companies start getting the impression StackOverflow is a place for their talent to go look for jobs, which seems to be more and more the intention of the owners of this website, then that can, and probably will, start getting StackOverflow banned from their networks, and rightfully so.
    – ouflak
    Commented Jan 14, 2016 at 9:08
  • 3
    I doubt that any company is going to block the number one most useful programming resource available to a programmer. They can just block the Jobs sub-directory and be done with it. Unless Stack Overflow decides to wipe the database of Questions and Answers (highly unlikely), Stack Overflow isn't going to stop being the number one most useful programming resource. No matter how much effort is put into Jobs, Stack Overflow will still be that resource. If your company bans your most useful tool, you should probably look for another job.
    – user4639281
    Commented Jan 14, 2016 at 15:53
  • 15
    @TinyGiant, you're thinking like an engineer. Now think like an HR person, or a hiring/retention manager, or a non-technical engineering manager. Someone who may not know, care, or at all understand what 'tools' we use. They just got the impression, however imprecise that impression might be, that StackOverflow is (now) a job search site. If they are a little more in tune with the current culture, they may have even decided that StackOverflow is purposely leveraging its Q&A site to attract talent to their job search site. A point that might not be all that inaccurate....
    – ouflak
    Commented Jan 14, 2016 at 16:26
  • 10
    It is an act of hubris to assume that StackOverflow can't be replaced, or that it can't take actions to effectively destroy its own place on the internet. Such a stark change of culture, from a Q&A site to a job search, can't possibly go unnoticed. It's being thrust in our faces right now. It's hard to imagine a lot of companies won't take proper notice.
    – ouflak
    Commented Jan 14, 2016 at 16:26
  • That is a concern that would be better expressed on the original announcement of the move. This announcement is about improving upon the previous announcement. These are perfectly valid concerns, but there isn't much that is going to be done by expressing them here. Right now you're opposing the new CV saying that moving Jobs into Stack Overflow is a bad thing.
    – user4639281
    Commented Jan 14, 2016 at 16:40
  • 1
    It's not a bad thing. LinkedIn is a great site. StackOverflow might be able to even do better. I don't doubt they have the skills to do improve on pretty darn good (and profitable). What I'm concerned about is what StackOverflow wants to be, and especially what they want to be seen as. If they want to stay a Q&A site and create a separate job search site. Fine. If they want to use their Q&A culture to attract talent to their job search site. Fine. But the results of the latter are predictable and perhaps even unavoidable.
    – ouflak
    Commented Jan 14, 2016 at 16:48
  • 1
    They've already said that putting effort into Jobs is about helping devs and making the investors happy. I don't see the main focus of Stack Overflow being anything other than core Q&A any time in the future.
    – user4639281
    Commented Jan 14, 2016 at 16:51
  • 8
    Is it really that common for companies to block career sites? For me that would be sign to look for a new (better) company.
    – Onots
    Commented Jan 15, 2016 at 3:57
  • 1
    ouflak for President!!!!!
    – Swanand
    Commented Jan 25, 2016 at 6:42
  • Yeah really this is just bullseye material right here.
    – L0j1k
    Commented Feb 3, 2016 at 5:30
  • "They can just block the Jobs sub-directory and be done with it." -@TinyGiant, predicting my workplace's network policy exactly.
    – user812786
    Commented Oct 6, 2016 at 20:01

99% of potential employers are going to want a traditional resume. All you're doing is asking us to support another standard. Doubling the workload of job seekers isn't going to help anyone.

  • 5
    Both formats will still be available, and the story will be populated from the traditional view, according to the post.
    – davidism
    Commented Jan 13, 2016 at 19:31
  • 7
    8 years ago Stack Overflow didn't exist, and it became a successful standard Q&A for developers. That's happening to Carreers right now. Despite Developer Story being an evolution of the traditional CV can potentially be a disruptive change, people are dealing really great with that kind of change. (I liked that xkcd comic - but I strongly disagree with your assumption that 99% would want a traditional resume.)
    – falsarella
    Commented Jan 13, 2016 at 20:06
  • It is clear to me from bluefeet's comments that mention "two views" that what davidism said is correct, but I don't see it explained anywhere in the OP which says, in bold, that CVs are being replaced... I think confusion on this point is natural.
    – Frank
    Commented Jan 13, 2016 at 20:32
  • 6
    @Frank under "What problem are we trying to solve": "We know that it will take some time, so employers will still have the option to see your history in a traditional sorted view, but even in that view we're presenting a more complete picture of your history."
    – user4639281
    Commented Jan 13, 2016 at 20:43
  • 2
    @falsarella I think you are on a good point, a lot of employers initially run through resumes and just skim the contents, which can be a hit and miss for both employer and candidate. Rather than that, maybe this new CV style can help employers "skim" quicker and more efficiently.
    – gitsitgo
    Commented Jan 13, 2016 at 21:09
  • 2
    And the iPhone was yet another phone, ugh.
    – djechlin
    Commented Jan 13, 2016 at 22:23
  • 18
    While I am not upvoting this answer, I find it extremely offensive that someone voted do delete it.
    – tripleee
    Commented Jan 14, 2016 at 5:29
  • 4
    I totally agree with the answer (living in the real world, as opposed to wanting to make a better world") and am disappointed that it has attracted so many downvotes. realistically, 99% (or more) of recruiters are going to want the traditional format. By all means, offer two, but keep counters and report back to us how many of each format are viewed. I don't think the new format will fly.
    – Mawg
    Commented Jan 14, 2016 at 15:04
  • 1
    If I wanted to hire someone, and saw a huge amount of contribution to SO, I would seriously consider how much I was paying someone to support SO. Just saying. I think the option to completely remove badges/activity stats needs to be there to make the "story" look more traditional. Commented Jan 20, 2016 at 14:07
  • 1
    To me, this answer ignore the reality of tech industry. There is more and more screening layer at some tech companies. most layers are managed by people who simply want to get their money. To do that, they judge candidates by simply looking at their contribution on some web sites. And hiring companies for the tech industry are now looking at those kind of web sites like SO. And the developer has no power, because the actual company will forward your traditional CV to the hiring company and the hiring company will ask for your SO profile to judge you!
    – innoSPG
    Commented Jan 21, 2016 at 18:06

...based on what you can do, not who you are. ... you'll be able to show off the stuff that actually matters to you, including the technologies you work with and any public artifacts like open source projects

With all due respect, I believe you can still put that information in a traditional CV. Nobody restricts you to put what you have done in a traditional CV.

And for that matter, it should not be overlooked from where a participant has graduated for example - school is also important.

As well as places he/she worked. So maybe your new way of thinking about CV isn't that good?

  • 2
    Well, they're claiming it is a good idea somehow. As mentioned in the latter half of davidism's comment, they (Tim Post) hope to get back to us with why or how it might be better eventually.
    – Frank
    Commented Jan 13, 2016 at 21:08
  • 3
    I agree traditional CVs aren't useless and miserable. But you seem to take this a step further and say trying to improve on them is fruitless.
    – djechlin
    Commented Jan 13, 2016 at 22:21
  • @djechlin: I didn't say that. Depends how you improve them Commented Jan 13, 2016 at 22:29

After reading your first post I was pretty confused about the state of Developer Stories, but I still agreed with it.

I do have a hard time understanding the negative feedback, since your both posts unequivocally state this new feature would not change anything, but the current CV system.

Personally, I have never filled anything in the CV section and I don't think I will ever do in the near future because

SO for me, has been a place I can come to for relaxation

as well. Any evolution to any part of the current system is welcome and I cannot find any reason why this would affect me or anyone else that may not care about the current CV system. (maybe this will convince some of us to use the new Developer Story, but then again, it didn't / doesn't / won't hurt us)

P.S. Keep up the good work and thank you.

  • 12
    At least part of the negative feedback is because they're changing the CV. The objection is that they say they think it will make hiring and finding jobs better compared to the previous system, which many people like, but don't say how.
    – davidism
    Commented Jan 13, 2016 at 18:36
  • Precisely @davidism
    – Just Do It
    Commented Jan 13, 2016 at 18:58

My nickle on this issue...

Resumes have been around for 500+ years... so we're redesigning how this information is displayed.

I think the issue that @bluefeet is trying to strike at is that CVs don't convey enough information about a developer regarding their potential for contributing to a job or project. But the real problem is that the human resources industry has progressed in this way exactly for this reason. More information requires more work and skill in human resources, and not many human resources departments are going to be ready to take on more work for themselves.

There's a similar situation in machine learning. When training a model we try to limit the number of features (information in the model) and yet retain a high score with data it hasn't been trained on. This rule of thumb breaks down when not enough features are present to account for cases which exist outside of the model's predictive abilities.

In a nutshell, what (I think) @bluefeet is getting at is that SO wants to target the cases which the CV model fails to handle. I think this is a good idea, not only for the sake of the developers who may find employment from it, but for the sake of employers who, in certain situations, find the CV model is just not working for them. For an employer it's a missed opportunity, and for society it's a loss of a tool or product which may potentially have benefited many people.

To that end, SO cannot afford to confuse their offering with a standard CV. Human resources does not want to lose faith in a system which appears to do its job, but they may be able to recognise a new service which targets the cases where the CV fails.

We have difficulty naming things because naming is hard. We selected Developer Story because it seems to encompass a large portion of our users...

Isn't naming np-hard? And most likely not even decidable? If so, SO has their task cut out for them.

As a first step, SO needs to decide on whether they're making a change in society at large or limited to the SO developer community. If the latter, Developer Story, or @bish's My story, or the camel case MyStory may suffice. SO won't please everyone so they'll need to choose a name which is recognisable and work at promoting it. But if the former, SO needs to choose a name which all sectors of society can relate to as easily as they relate to resume or CV.


I really like stack overflow. I like seeing the Stack Overflow attitudes on a "careers" site, particularly if potential employers take them seriously. I'd rather get answers about e.g. an employer's "Joel test" score than yet another video of new grads playing foosball in an open office. And I'd very much prefer an attitude of serving the programmer to one of serving the recruiter.

But at the same time, I'm already nervous about using the SO careers site, because of the existing expectation of links with Stack Overflow reputation.

Some of us are very badly represented by our SO reputation and badges, or for that matter by our contributions to publicly visibly source code.

  • we've been continuously employed by companies that claim ownership of our entire oeuvre, and don't release it as open source

  • we work with solid, even "old fashioned" technology where the good questions were answered early in SO's history, and we didn't arrive here until later

  • we work on obscure technologies, where SO doesn't even have appropriate tags, let alone relevant questions - and there is any case a better place to take one's questions, such as project mailing lists

  • we aren't into reputation grinding games

Any format for representing oneself where one can't control the order in which things appear, or get rid of sections that aren't useful, is not going to make things easier.

This is particularly true when it highlights things I know don't represent me well.

And then there's the problem of bureaucracies. They tend to come up with pointless requirements, often numerical. So how long until HR people are "helpfully" screening out all applicants with less than some magic number of reputation points, or badges, or similar - frustrating both hiring managers and potential employees?

I see the example format being potentially useful to some people. Of those, some would have the creativity to arrange their resume this way on their own. (And of those, some would be screened out by the clueless for having an unusual resume, where they might not be screened out if it were a site standard.)

But for some of us, it's made of fail, and that's what would happen to our employment prospects when we used it.

Of course I can't determine, from either thread, how much control we'd actually be given by this feature. Perhaps I'm worrying unnecessarily, and this would create no new problems, beyond those the SO Careers/jobs already has.

  • 3
    FWIW, we regularly get requests from customers for us to give them a sort or filter option for Stack Overflow reputation (when they're searching in our Careers candidate database product). I'm the product manager in charge of that experience, and I always will decline that request. Reputation and badges are a nice piece of context, and a differentiator from a traditional resume, but we definitely don't want to encourage recruiters to be reductionist. That's probably the biggest part of why the dev story is being created: to allow developers more control over how you appear to employers.
    – Laura
    Commented Jan 26, 2016 at 15:52
  • 1
    We're building the Developer Story so you can emphasize what matters to you, that could be what you've worked on or your SO activity but it is custom for your story. You'll be able to customize it to show what's important for you as a developer, not what we think you need to show.
    – Taryn
    Commented Jan 26, 2016 at 15:53

If I understand it correctly (haven't dug into into it very deep as I'm not looking for job) the "Developer's Story" is the CV of this person:

So why don't you just call it "My story"? (Don't know if there are naming rights reserved by anything)

  • 12
    "My epic" is the only acceptable option.
    – Pekka
    Commented Jan 14, 2016 at 9:12
  • 26
    My Struggle perhaps :o
    – Loofer
    Commented Jan 14, 2016 at 9:32
  • 5
    @Loofer: I would have serious trouble using a service with that name. (You might want to look at the German translation of it.) (Apologies if that was supposed to be a joke.) Commented Jan 18, 2016 at 9:18
  • 1
    @Loofer while the historical context would eliminate that one, it is fairly accurate :) Commented Jan 20, 2016 at 14:23

I am not really concerned about this in anyway. But to me, it sounds like "See, I have a new idea and I want to implement it!" and changing for the sake of changing rather than making any real difference.

There wasn't any convincing argument as to why this is needed and how it's better than the existing CV system. The "What problem are we trying to solve?" part just repeats "better" many times without really explaining how.

"what you've worked on; what you've written."
"what you can do"

A traditional CV can very well contain this information too.

"get employers to think differently".

May be. But unless one is looking for some sort UI/UX jobs, the new layout is not going to be very attractive but a bloat. Some of us are just plain-text guys, you know.

Let's say you don't have any open source involvement, doesn't have a github account etc. You are going to be at a disadvantage in comparison with others. An advantage with a "traditional" free-form where you can highlight what you want to show off and tell the employers you are good at. With the new layout, you are kind of forced to "cover-up" with certain bits that you don't have in your CV.

Again, I don't really have any problem with this new "CV" system. It has its own pluses and minuses. But it's in no way a "better" CV system (at least to me) but just "yet another" CV system.

  • 2
    "Let's say you don't have any open source involvement, doesn't have a github account etc. You are going to be at a disadvantage in comparison with others." That isn't true at all, you can add an item to the timeline that simply consists of a title and some text, so you can put whatever you want on it. (source)
    – Kevin B
    Commented Jan 22, 2016 at 18:49
  • 3
    I wasn't saying it's not possible to do that. When most people follow (most have github account) layout, it's going to be like a template (See the sample layout in in your link). And the ones without such account have to "fill in" something else there. With a traditional CV, it wouldn't look that obvious.
    – P.P
    Commented Jan 22, 2016 at 19:49

Instead of presenting yourself as a bulleted list of action verbs, you'll be able to show off the stuff that actually matters to you, including the technologies you work with and any public artifacts like open source projects or applications you've written.

What if I work on closed source software and don't want to spend 12/16 of my waking hours writing code or blog posts?

Maybe others disagree, but I've noticed that most older and experienced developers (myself included) just don't do this sort of thing. I, personally, don't want to go home after 8-10 hours of work-related software development, and do even more software development. Am I less of a developer for enjoying a balanced lifestyle? Should my profile be penalized for it?

Overall, this post gives off the feeling that the CV is going to heavily focus on publicly visible software contributions, which a lot of developers just don't have. This something I already dislike about the CV; when I go to edit mine, I see something like '90% completion! Add your website and github!', as if it's expected that every hire-able developer has both.

  • I see your point, but I'm not sure I see how the timeline is specifically crafted for public artifacts. True, they are heavily supported, but that's because the world of IT has discovered that they are an excellent way to gauge a developer's ability (to a degree). Re the github and web site - that's a fair point.
    – Pekka
    Commented Jan 22, 2016 at 0:25
  • @Pekka웃: I don't think we can know until we see the finished product, but the feeling I'm getting from this and the previous post are that they're going to be a major part of it; maybe they won't be. Commented Jan 22, 2016 at 0:33
  • KevinB's answer and the comments below touch on this, actually. Sounds like we'll be able to add any project we work on, open source or no. Open source just seems to have been an example they selected.
    – Kendra
    Commented Jan 22, 2016 at 13:59
  • Count me as another, with no publicly visible code contributions on my github account. Commented Jan 26, 2016 at 3:22

Thought I'd chime in. I liked Careers a lot (and actually have sent out some invites). The thing about Careers, though, is that its focus is specifically for jobs. It's a CV - that's what it's for, and it's great.

If you're going to do this Developer Story, you'll need to brand it as something different - and you'll need to be able to offer more. I'd like to be excited about what I can do with this new system. The idea of telling a story isn't bad; I don't know how well it'll do with recruiters, but when I hear "story" I think of a Github-like activity feed that supports customization, which sounds pretty awesome to me. I think that if you want to go farther with this, you're going to have to sell it as more than just a(nother) jobs thing; regardless of whatever feature set you guys decide to implement, this Developer Story needs to be for us, not for the recruiters.

Drop the "Developer Story" name and call it "Lifecycle" or something (something that will work with recruiters, but still have a meaning to developers) and make it enticing. I don't think that SO should ever become a social network, but I think if you're going to push this, you're going to have to toe that line pretty hard to keep it fresh. Otherwise, you're just upsetting the boat by slapping a coat of paint on Careers, which already does what it needs to do pretty well.

  • 3
    Lifecycle is an interesting name for it. Just as an FYI there will be custom fields that can be added to your Developer Story, they will not be preselected.
    – Taryn
    Commented Jan 21, 2016 at 0:07

I like where this idea is going.

I am a business owner who has taken up software development thanks to the wonderful resource that SO is. The developer story looks like a really intuitive way to quickly get to know potential employees on more levels than a CV/interview has to offer. For example, you can quickly gauge what types of technologies an applicant is experienced with and/or is excited about, based on the questions they are asking and/or answers they are providing. Like this, users can build a much richer perspective of themselves to present to employers, simply by using the site.

It could be a useful tool for companies who are trying to find different ways of thinking about their hiring process by giving information about people we may not have thought or known to ask for.

To me, there is no question that SO is an excellent QA site, and the best one it can be, primarily because of its iterative process of evaluation and making improvements. It is obvious this process has led to the discovery of key opportunities to make itself even more useful to the people it serves (and the people who serve on it) on a daily basis.

A key part of its success will be in providing a good perspective of the quality of contribution that a potential hire makes. Knowing how many badges a user has can give a rough idea of what the user is knowledgeable about. However, it doesn't give the whole picture, and certainly isn't offer any good points of comparison between two potential hires.

On the other hand, being able to see a few examples of how a user asks questions, approaches different types of problems, or explains solutions to others can go a long way towards evaluating if they are the right fit for a particular position.

  • 2
    This was what was confusing me: who is an employer who is tech savvy enough to read one of these story's, understand enough about what the story covers to make a hiring decision, but who doesn't have a lot of experience with interpreting CVs that have a traditional format also mentioning what folks would put into a story then ending with a section of the opensource they have worked on. it sounds great for this person but i simply don't think that the vast majority of people involved with recruitment would get any enhanced benefits out of a change in the format.
    – simbo1905
    Commented Jan 24, 2016 at 16:44
  • having said that comment i am still keeping an open mind!
    – simbo1905
    Commented Jan 24, 2016 at 16:45
  • It probably won't make sense for all employers, especially if hiring managers don't have the understanding necessary to interpret what they are reading (which is an altogether different issue). Also, I don't imagine this would replace a CV entirely, which would still be requested in an interview process. However, the type of employer who is pre-screening developers by searching through SO profiles might find it provides quick access to a little more information than a traditional CV does (by leveraging information only SO can provide). Commented Jan 25, 2016 at 10:01
  • Oh dear. I don't think my stack exchange record showcases my abilities. I'm knowledgeable in some fairly old techs where most questions were already adequately answered before I discovered SO. I'm also knowledgeable in some less popular areas, some of which don't even rate their own tags. I don't post answers unless I can improve on what's already there. And while the first time I came here it was with a question, I almost never ask questions on the main site - where I ask questions is where I'm clueless and (often) less than motivated. Commented Jan 26, 2016 at 2:37
  • I don't understand. Are you saying you prefer the existing careers system because it does a better job of obfuscating your abilities? You would rather have attention only drawn to your points and badges rather than to samples of your contributions? Commented Jan 26, 2016 at 9:33

Life Story

What about "Life Story" a resume is basically that, a person's life story, where they went to school, work, volunteer, their work history, what they would like to do, awards they received and etc. :)


While I think that this is a cool idea, I don't necessarily think that it is applicable to the Stack Overflow community. I didn't start using SO to build and document my projects that I have worked on. The whole premise of SO was not to be a social networking site, rather a place where people can go to ask questions and gain general knowledge about programming.

If you are going to add something like this to SO, I don't think that it should be based around building your own CV with things that are irrelevant to SO. Like others have said, I don't want to spend time documenting something that I was just working on for the entire day.

Here is my suggestion - simplify this as much as possible, and try to integrate it into the questions that you are asking. Most of the time, you can summarize/title your project in a few words, so have a section on your profile where you can put a quick summary and title to a project that you are working on, along with some sort of checkbox to say "Project Completed" or "Project in Development" and a list of questions that were asked relating to that project.

So now, if you go to ask a question on one of the projects that you entered, you should be able to quickly link the question to the project. Then when someone goes to your profile or even see's the question, they can then click through to see what project that question relates to. There can also be a clear timestamp / timeline for questions and stuff so a potential employer could see your progression. Maybe also put an option with questions so that if I come across something I used for a project, I can click "I used this question to help me with x". But not sure how helpful that would be. I think this is a simple solution, that can help illustrate the broader picture of questions. No one wants to have to document each project piece by piece, especially if they are already using some other site for source control. While I understand those sites can be linked, not everyone has that.

Like I said earlier, I like the idea of "Developer Stories", but not everyone wants to use it or even has the time to use it. So I think you can have a section in your profile that is labeled "My Stories" or "Developer Stories", like you suggested, but have it so that you can choose to add to it or have nothing to do with it, if that is your preference.

  • 1
    This is a replacement of the existing CV and will be used by individuals who are interested in hearing about job opportunities and/or applying for them via Jobs. As a result, we need to have the ability to include content outside of Stack Overflow which will allow users to show off what they've worked on, etc. I'm not sure how this would be integrated into questions they ask, many users don't ask questions so limiting it to questions wouldn't necessarily be helpful to a large portion of users.
    – Taryn
    Commented Jan 26, 2016 at 20:30

As other have stated, too, a strong likelihood exists that this change will bring an influx of low-quality contributors who will seek to increase their resume appearance for the purpose of acquiring a job. I am going to 'skip ahead' an propose things we will need in that situation.

The influx of new people trying to 'game the system' (in order to will result in more work for moderators. If the flux is high, and we survive, it would then be due to our creation of new finer-grained moderation queues.

Finding ways to reduce the amount of analysis that a moderator / reviewer needs to do, will enable greater throughput while maintaining accuracy.

This may involve 'sharding' queues by the rep of the user, or a mix of rep, account creation date, badges awarded, etc.

  • 2
    I'm not sure I understand your point here. Why would there be an influx of people trying to game the system? What does this have to do with the Developer Story?
    – Taryn
    Commented Jan 21, 2016 at 0:06
  • @bluefeet I've updated the answer to be more explicit in my interest to step-head from the top answer, and begin to discuss the solutions to the problem that is likely to manifest. Commented Jan 21, 2016 at 0:14
  • 4
    I disagree with the assumption. In fact, if implemented correctly, this system should reduce the employment-driven incentive to post low-quality content, as it has the opportunity to put a much higher emphasis on evaluating the quality of an applicant's submissions, rather than just the quantity. A few high-quality posts that exhibit a solid understanding of technology, a patient attitude towards others and an all-around good approach to problem-solving are much more useful to hiring managers than the numbers of badges or points a user has received. Commented Jan 23, 2016 at 13:17
  • @AdamStarrh if your right then I think such will come through emphasizing one's review activity, too. This will promote the dimension of community involvement and increased commitment to quality Q&A. Someone who doesn't provide as many answers, but does a great job reviewing and moderating, would be a valuable asset to certain teams. Commented Jan 23, 2016 at 21:24

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