I wrote a question and admittedly messed up. It was downvoted, I modified it immediately, but the user who downvoted it hasn't responded and now I fear the downvote is deterring other people from visiting what I'm confident is now an acceptable question.
It has been less than a day so I accept I'm a bit unreasonably edgy since I need the answer and it seems like a simple question. But this begs the question, is there a set amount of time I should wait before I delete and reask the edited version of my question?
According to this: Reasking a question I shouldn't reask a question and should instead place a bounty on it. My situation isn't exactly the same I think due to my edits not yet being reassessed after a downvote. Regardless, the issue here would still be of course that I have to wait two days before I can apply bounty (I will gladly, but can only wait till then - I'd really like to know if there is anything I can do right now) and also that I doubt the meager bounty I can offer with my small reputation will really help much.