A post that consists solely of “Question due to typo, case closed.” does not constitute an answer by any reasonable standard. A post that explains where the typo is would be a mediocre answer. A post that explains how to deduce the position and nature of the typo from the error message and other clues would be a good answer. But just saying “there's a typo” doesn't answer the question. It isn't going to help anyone, ever. The fact that it's a correct statement doesn't change this.
A “very low quality” flag would have been better, because those are handled through a review queue before they're shown to mods. (It's a technical difference between “very low quality” and “not an answer”.)
A flag wasn't really necessary in the first place, because the question itself was deletion material. That doesn't make the flag wrong, but it does make it somewhat ill-advised. However, there is a reason to delete non-answers to closed questions sometimes, which is that closed questions are automatically deleted under certain circumstances — a single answer with no upvote doesn't prevent deletion, but an upvoted answer or two zero-scoring answers would prevent deletion.
(Note: I'm not a moderator on SO, but I am a moderator on other SE sites. I wouldn't even have hesitated in deleting a comparable answer on the sites I moderate. I'm used to SO moderators being trigger-happy in declining flags on answers, but this case surprises me.)
should beXYZ
". Otherwise I would just answer all questions with "You have a bug", without pointing out where, or how to fix it.