I was wondering if there is a proper way to vote to undelete someone else's answer that is deleted.
I came across the deleted answer in question during a review, and I believe the answer is deleted incorrectly by the system as explained here How is this not an answer?. Outside the review, the question does not exist because my rep is not enough. So I can't see or vote or do anything about the answer.
I just flagged the question instead of the answer, but it's a bit odd as the question itself is not at fault. Hopefully, this will be solved by a moderator.
The more general question is, if there is a potentially incorrect deletion, how does a low-rep user respond?
Note: I looked around meta, this is different from other questions about noting OP to undelete or undelete self-posts.
-- EDIT --
I've attached a screenshot for the deleted answer for information. The answer is deleted so I can't see it except in the audit link. There's no link to flag it.
-- EDIT 2--
The answer in question has been undeleted by one of the moderators who handled the flag.
As terrible of an answer it may be, it's still an attempt at an answer... A complete non-answer would be akin to someone posting a link to spam, or posting obscenities in their answer.
;; If you can see deleted contents, you will see that some of the assertions, including the "not an answer" type comment to the deleted answer I was supposed to upvote, got deleted after my question is raised.