Those questions are just for the fun of it. There's nothing super important statistics wise about them, but they'll sure be fun to know when the results come out. As for understanding them:
Do you believe in aliens?
This one is just as it says on the tin- Do you believe in aliens? Yes? No? Got a different answer, such as you are one? Your answer specifically won't be revealed to the public, so if you're concerned about someone finding out and using your answer against you, don't be. Those results stay right with Stack Overflow. (The only real question is if they mean space type aliens, or immigrant from a different country type aliens. Interpret it as you wish.)
Dogs or cats?
This is a "Which do you prefer" question. Do you like dogs better? Cat person at heart? Or do you like a different pet/animal/unicorn more? Fill in the box with your choice if so.
These questions don't "signify" anything, really- They're just extra/fun stats for when the results come back.
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