I flagged this answer as not an answer. To me, it did not look like it answered the original question. The user was not wanting to use a different platform, so I am thinking it should have been a comment.
Was this a valid answer?
I flagged this answer as not an answer. To me, it did not look like it answered the original question. The user was not wanting to use a different platform, so I am thinking it should have been a comment.
Was this a valid answer?
If an answer is wrong, but attempts to answer the question, it is still an answer.
The only time to use Not an Answer flags is right there in the description:
This was posted as an answer, but it does not attempt to answer the question. It should possibly be an edit, a comment, another question, or deleted altogether.
Don't use them if an answer is factually wrong, but rather when the content in the answer space does not belong there (it belongs somewhere else).
If you think that an answer is not correct, then use down votes, and not flags :)