In a recent discussion about how to handle poor suggested edits, Shog reminded us that it is possible to ping editors in comments and pointed out that this is often a good way to try and halt sprees of poor edits. I thought this was novel advice, and I gave it a shot. Lo and behold, it worked! The message appears to have been received, and a moderator’s time was not required. Great, everything’s solved.
What about these comments?
Comments on Stack Exchange are ephemeral, and comments unrelated to the post aren’t sticking around. But this introduces a quandary: how do I deal with creating these meta-comments? These are now wholly useless! They don’t add any value at all to the post because these comments serve as messages to a user, not any sort of commentary on the post. The post author doesn’t care, and future visitors certainly don’t.
So now I have just one option: delete my comment and flag the other comment (the reply by the editor) for deletion. But wait! Now I’ve completely invalidated the whole point of doing this! Now a moderator needs to intervene to clean up our useless comments. Darn.
This is pretty sucky because in my attempt to solve one problem, I created three:
- A moderator’s attention is required to clean up the comment conversation.
- The original poster got needlessly notified of this conversation, which should really be out of band.
- There’s no way for me to follow up on that conversation because I would just be adding to the problem, even though I’d really like to respond to the editor’s comment to continue to clarify things.
Hmm... this sounds like a job for Stack Overflow Chat! Ah, but blast: one cannot start a conversation with arbitrary users in chat. No direct communication for me.
I thought it was a good idea, and I felt accomplished at first, but in retrospect, perhaps I should have just raised a flag to begin with. After all, moderators have the tools to deal with this sort of thing, and I do not. I’m just a lowly user, after all.
But no, that is not the mission of Stack Overflow at all, is it? Built by the community and moderated by the community. I may not be a moderator, but the capability to help shape the site—if only a little—is one of the reasons I participate here, and clearly, this is a case where that is encouraged. Is leaving a comment worth it? What can I do once those comments have had the desired effect? And finally, is it possible to do all of this without burdening diamond moderators?