Due to the amount of support this has received, I've posted a follow up: Stopping tag wiki plagiarism, Part II: Taking Action.

tl;dr: We have a problem with plagiarism. Let's make it clear to editors and reviewers that plagiarism is Not Okay, and that reviewers are expected to check for it.

Also, let's set a policy of temporarily review-banning reviewers who approve blatant plagiarism.

Stack Overflow has a problem with plagiarism in tag wikis (and tag wiki excerpts). How do I know? Well:

  1. I just opened the suggested edit queue history and scrolled through looking for edits to tag wikis. The third one I found was this one. Guess what? It's copied from php.net.

  2. My go-to technique for finding these: Writing a SEDE query to list all tag wikis and excerpts... then ordering it randomly. It should be much, much harder than this... but the plagiarism is everywhere.

Plagiarism is Not Okay. We should do what we can to keep it off our site.

Therefore, I propose we take two actions:

  1. Let's make it clear to both editors and reviewers that plagiarism is Not Okay.

According to the privilege page for approving tag-wiki edits, reviewers need to "ensure" that "All the content is original or attributed properly". This means that they should, at least, copy a few sentences out of a tag wiki into Google (in quotes, for literal matching) before approving. Approving these is Not Okay. We'll come back to that.

Let's add some text to the "What are Tag Wikis" sidebar shown to editors when suggesting an edit specifying, in bold text, that plagiarism is Not Okay.

Next, let's make it clear to reviewers in the queue that they are expected to check for plagiarism. I'm actually considering proposing making reviewers confirm that they checked for plagiarism before approving a tag wiki. I'm not sold on the implementation, though - as long as it's text somewhere that reviewers will read.

  1. Let's set a precedent that approving obvious plagiarism will get you a break from review.

I believe that the only way we can really curb this disease is to make sure reviewers are doing their job - remember the privilege page? "When approving these edits, ensure that: All the content is original or attributed properly"

Reviewers that approve content copied verbatim from Wikipedia, a project page, or anything else the editor didn't write aren't reviewing correctly.

"Not reviewing correctly" is simply another term for "abuse". Approving these edits is actively harming the site. We can't tolerate that.

Let's set a precedent that anyone who approves obvious plagiarism (as determined by a moderator) is instantly eligible for an x-day review ban.

I honestly believe that this is the only way we can stop the influx of plagiarized content - our contribution filter isn't working, so let's fix it.

But I don't want to check for plagiarism, it's too much work! I completely understand - and you don't have to review tag wikis. It's that simple: If a user isn't willing to put in the work required to do a job correctly, there are plenty of others that are. You're completely welcome to skip the wikis, of course, which represent a minority of the reviews in that queue.


  • 20
    You asked for thoughts, so here's mine: Nothing will happen. Sorry for the pessimism. Commented Dec 28, 2015 at 2:41
  • 1
    The former, though I will celebrate if being surprised on that score. Commented Dec 28, 2015 at 2:42
  • 20
    I feel like #1 is... kinda weak sauce. If the folks editing these are under the impression that plagiarism is acceptable, we have bigger problems; the more likely cause is that they don't realize they're plagiarizing. If you think guidance will help here, suggest something that explains (for instance) that copying a product page or wiki is seen as dishonest. IOW, educate rather than just shouting - if we wanna shout at folks, #2 is a much better bullhorn.
    – Shog9
    Commented Dec 28, 2015 at 2:51
  • 1
    Related meta.stackexchange.com/q/238339/213575
    – Braiam
    Commented Dec 28, 2015 at 2:56
  • 7
    @Shog9 well, they won't know because there's nobody that tell them is not ok. They don't read the help center, nor guidance. Sadly, the only way forward is with the mace of rejection and that has to start with reviewers. And those reviewers were the ones that suggested or saw plagiarism being accepted. Kind of a vicious circle we got here.
    – Braiam
    Commented Dec 28, 2015 at 2:58
  • 1
    @Shog Again, as with regular edit reviewing, the guidance for tag wiki edit reviewing is lacking. People aren't told what to look for to reject an edit, so their process is "do I like it? If not, choose reject reason" instead of "does it match any reject reason or is otherwise harmful? If so, reject with that reason".
    – bjb568
    Commented Dec 28, 2015 at 3:00
  • 2
    @Shog9 Raising that could definitely help, but I do think it would need to be combined with enforcing plagiarism checks in some way or another - I've seen 20, 30, 40kers approve these. We've seen that after a certain point, reputation stops becoming a decent measure of trust and starts becoming a measure of how much you know about a subject matter - not how good you are at moderation tasks.
    – Undo Mod
    Commented Dec 28, 2015 at 3:24
  • 2
    "Stack Overflow has a problem with plagiarism" full stop. (I know, this topic is focused on tag wikis, but you can't talk about plagiarism without being unnecessarily pedantic.)
    – BoltClock
    Commented Dec 28, 2015 at 3:26
  • 5
    "But I don't want to check for plagiarism, it's too much work! I completely understand - and you don't have to review tag wikis. If a user isn't willing to put in the work required to do a job correctly, there are plenty of others that are." But it's not fair that they get to earn the Steward badge and I don't!
    – BoltClock
    Commented Dec 28, 2015 at 3:27
  • 5
    I'm saying it because if we're looking at blocking a whole bunch of people from reviewing, we might wanna see how that actually breaks down, @BoltClock. There are a few other places in review where the system lets you recommend an action you don't have the reputation to actually perform yet, but with a 15 thousand reputation difference between approving and doing, tag wiki reviews are a distinct anomaly; I'd be surprised if there wasn't a stark difference in behavior at some threshold in there.
    – Shog9
    Commented Dec 28, 2015 at 3:36
  • 1
    Relevant: Number of tag-wiki suggested edit reviews done per 1k rep bucket. It looks like <20kers do the majority of the reviews, although we could probably afford to raise the threshold nonetheless.
    – Undo Mod
    Commented Dec 28, 2015 at 3:46
  • 1
    Take a look at Merry Go Round Situation. There are some suggestions for changing who gets served tag-wiki edits in there, though not about changing the rep-threshold (many in my answer). Commented Dec 28, 2015 at 4:00
  • 2
    Just a thought... How practical would presenting results from Google searches for random literal wiki quotes during the review be? I don't expect that determining if it's actual plagiarism could easily be automated (that's why we need reviewers), but putting the google results in the reviewer's face might help trigger an appropriate action.
    – SleuthEye
    Commented Dec 28, 2015 at 14:31
  • 5
    @OlegV.Volkov Plagiarism is theft, and nearly everything has a license (express or implied) forbidding theft.
    – Undo Mod
    Commented Dec 28, 2015 at 15:23
  • 13
    Yes, plagiarism is plagiarism, @Oleg. This has been discussed many times over the years and the consensus is that folks on SO do not like plagiarism. We even added a policy at the community's request condemning it and laying out guidance for avoiding it. Plagiarists in other areas of the site frequently find their posts deleted and their accounts suspended; there's no reason to expect different treatment in wikis.
    – Shog9
    Commented Dec 28, 2015 at 17:43

5 Answers 5


The biggest sources of plagiarism that I've seen (although not necessarily here on Stack Overflow), is from Wikipedia. Regardless of where something is plagiarized from, here are some tips to help catch it:

Here's some of the easiest ways to catch it:

  • Look for the [ and the ].

    If you see random braces, especially if they've got numbers between them (e.g. [51]), there is a good chance that the wiki was plagiarized. These are the in-line references that Wikipedia employs, to cite the content that makes their articles.

  • Look if something seems to 'continue' at the beginning.

    I found this once: (emphasis mine)

    The DMCA also criminalizes circumvention of access control, regardless of actual copyright infringement...

    That was at the beginning of a tag wiki. The fact that the first sentence started with the word 'also' signalled that it was a separate paragraph, communicating another idea. It was also a sign of plagiarism.

  • Look for 'raw links'

    Look for raw links that aren't formatted at all. Just like this: http://stackoverflow.com

    The fact that they are not formatted to begin with should already be a signal for improvement, but they may also just be a poor form of citing: A simple copy/paste for content, and just a copy/paste of the link as well. Check the link, see if the content is copied.

  • Check for 'mass edits'

    In my experience, a lot of plagiarism comes from people who suggest multiple wikis within quick succession. If you notice a lot of tag wikis coming in quickly, and from one person, take an extra look. Similar to how you may raise a flag for many low quality edits, this may be worth a custom moderator flag, so that a moderator can intervene and take appropriate action.

In response to the proposal, it's important to make a note that plagiarism can be relatively hard to catch. If one can try, and visibly make an effort to catch it, then that's good for the reviewer.

I also want to say that this does not mean you're never allowed to quote things. Quoting is good! Just make sure that the majority of your edit is not quoted content, and that you include a link to the source. Something like this is even okay:

From [blah blah blah] (link):

insert quoted content here

or even...

yabadabadoo... (quoted content)

[Article/Source title - Don't just use the word "source"] (link)


Posting a late answer after this discussion in chat with Undo in the SOCVR chat room. I'm helping to query wiki tag edits and check for plagiarism. If I find the content is plagiarized, I will attempt to edit the wiki to be original content from my brain, with any quoted content to have appropriate attribution.

After more discussion in the tavern.

Plagiarised excerpts will be starred in a separate spreadsheet for a user with >20k to go through and update. Unless the excerpt is an identical plagiarised match to the wiki and in my wiki edit it is simple to update with an original excerpt.

This is an example, with plagiarised content from here.

enter image description here

Or this With plagiarised content from here.

enter image description here

Searching on Google the following:

This post serves as a heads up so I can link to this post in my edit reason, to avoid conflicts with other users. My edit reason will read as follow:

removed plagiarised content from -link- please see meta post https://meta.stackoverflow.com/a/315815/3956566

  • Wrong link, your edit-suggestions are at stackoverflow.com/users/3956566/… Commented Jan 30, 2016 at 10:01
  • 2
    Why not to add source link from where it was used/found?
    – kenorb
    Commented Jan 30, 2016 at 13:53
  • 3
    Some sources, in particular Wikipedia, do appear to allow re-use of content provided it is correctly attributed. Rather than deleting the content, wouldn't it be better to correctly attribute it, at least if the original source allows this?
    – Alex
    Commented Jan 30, 2016 at 14:58
  • @Jaco some of the wiki sources are actually taken from other sources and attributed properly in wikipedia. Some have several sources from wikipedia.
    – user3956566
    Commented Jan 31, 2016 at 1:31
  • @kenorb yes, I have wondered about that. It some cases that it easily done, as it's taken from docs from one place, in other cases there are several sources (but it's been taken from wikipedia), but I can see the sources.. and to be honest, there's so many plagiarised tags, it would take so long to correctly attribute some of these. As it is it takes a while. It's whether the objective is to get rid of plagiarised content quickly or improve the tags.. improving the tags is harder, as it requires a degree of expertise/knowledge in/of that tag.
    – user3956566
    Commented Jan 31, 2016 at 1:35
  • There's no reason other people on here can't assist with this. It's all good to suggest to others, improve your efforts to help clean up the site, it's better to help :)
    – user3956566
    Commented Jan 31, 2016 at 1:42

Don't allow any wikipedia content, only links to articles. The main content of the pages should be about how the tag is used on stack overflow. Require reviewers to provide a source of plagiarism and if the edit is approved, it should be flagged for further review. You should give a badge to the person who found the plagiarism.

The tag wiki's are suppose to be about how the subject/tag relates to stack overflow and not an encyclopedia article. No one will plagiarize an article on how a topic/tag relates to stack overflow because such an article is unlikely to exist. People shouldn't approve wikipedia content as it really isn't helpful to see what kind of Q/A belongs with a tag. If people only approved by this guide line, then I don't think that most plagiarism would exist.

A single reviewer might find plagiarism, but the current system will not act on it. This is fairly intelligent as the reviewer isn't required to provide any source that they believe was infringed.

People also learn by example. The fact that we have so many tag pages with wikipedia content makes it seem that this is okay. In fact, if wikipedia is cited as a source, it is okay; just not without attribution by my understanding. Changing it so there was no wikipedia (or other attributed content) would give no people examples of this as being okay (and missing the fact it was attributed and this is important).

  • I suggested something somewhat similar a while back: meta.stackexchange.com/a/201884/215468, but that requires a structural change (read: developer time), and thus is less likely to be implemented than a policy. I'd much rather have this built into the system as you suggest, though.
    – Undo Mod
    Commented Dec 30, 2015 at 16:52
  • 1
    This is just wrong. Tag wikis aren't solely for how to use a tag, but they are for what the topic of the tag is about. Guidance on how to use a tag belongs in the excerpt. Quoting is not, and should never be an issue. Tag wikis aren't a full-out article, but they should have enough information to answer What is [tag]?, where is [tag] used? What's cool about [tag]? and so on.
    – Zizouz212
    Commented Dec 30, 2015 at 20:22
  • @Zizouz212 I was not suggesting solely for how to use a tag, but there should be information on how to use a tag... I said main content; in the OPs example, there is nothing about tags at all (also a strong indicator that it is could be copied from somewhere). Commented Dec 31, 2015 at 16:56
  • @undo I know it is work to implement this and thanks for the link to your post. I guess that when you can show having this type of entry gives many benefits instead of just one, it is more likely to be done. I do think that rewarding a reviewer for finding plagiarism is better than punishing people for not seeing it. Commented Dec 31, 2015 at 23:35

Make a greasemonkey script or similar tool to help the tag wiki reviewer. The script should flag close search hits and insist that the reviewer checks attribution.

  • 5
    It would be helpful if voters would comment, but such is life. I see that automated searches are unpopular, but I don't know if they are unpopular with people who like copy-pasta, or those who hate it.
    – dcorking
    Commented Dec 30, 2015 at 9:14

Instead of making reviewers' life harder, we could think of an easy way to insert the attribution with the tags? change the parser so that such tag doesn't go without an attribution?

  • An automated way to do this would be ideal, but it's harder than it looks. Not all wikis are copied from somewhere, so just requiring a link won't work. Google gets a little touchy about automated searches, so that won't work without substantial effort forging an agreement with them, which probably won't happen.
    – Undo Mod
    Commented Dec 28, 2015 at 21:38
  • 2
    Maybe a form with an area for a text, and a field for attribution which is mandatory, unless the user checks a checkbox that's labeled "The text is my original work and not copied from any source". Checking it would make the attribution field non-mandatory, but also add a note to reviewers "User has chosen to waive attribution, please check if the content is indeed original" or something. It's not magic, but it will work for people who just copy-paste and aren't aware that attribution is necessary, and will draw attention to intentional plagiarism. Commented Dec 28, 2015 at 21:52
  • 2
    @Undo said "Google gets a little touchy about automated searches", but there are other search engines with public search APIs. Wikipedia has its own plagiarism and copyright bots and scripts, and StackOverflow should too.
    – dcorking
    Commented Dec 29, 2015 at 10:09
  • 4
    I feel like 20+ downvotes is a little bit unjustified ; the idea had merit. Having a field, either in the markup or in a form or whatever doesn't matter, as long as it is bringing to people's attention (or reminding) that attribution is important. I'm certain that it would be enough to change the proportion of non-attributed quotations.
    – chris
    Commented Dec 30, 2015 at 13:49
  • The problem is that there is no such easy way as you ask for in the answer. What RealSkeptic suggested is much more doable, but we up/down-vote answers and comments on answers separately.
    – pydsigner
    Commented Dec 30, 2015 at 16:59
  • As @artless noise commented, tag wikis should mostly be about how the tag is used on SO. A brief summary and link to wikipedia for more detail is typically good. A chunk of copy/pasted text from a wiki article is usually not a good tag wiki anyway, so this solves the wrong problem. Also, "insert the attribution with the tags"? We're talking about the info wiki for a single tag. Such as stackoverflow.com/tags/x86/info Commented Jun 11, 2022 at 9:50

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