enter image description here

This happens when I go to stackoverflow.com/jobs/cv/edit/[my user id] and click the Preview Public CV button. This is likely because of the CSS:

.cv.employer a.print {
    right: 0;

instead of being like other CVs being viewed as a non-employer, which have:

.cv-page .cv.public a.print {
    left: initial;
    right: -30px;

And additionally the employer's has a width of 715px:

.cv.employer {
    width: 715px;
    margin: 10px auto;

but the public's .cv is contained within #content that has a width of 685px and 15px of padding around that:

.cv-page #content {
    width: 685px;

#content {
    padding: 15px;

1 Answer 1


Good catch! Thank you for the report!

For users without a gravatar the print button was getting meshed with the text and for users with a gravatar the print button was going incognito behind the gravatar. This is fixed now.

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