When asking a question, tags are the last fields that get populate before posting the question. I like the fact that when typing the question title, Stackoverflow suggests similar/related questions by searching against what is already being typed in the question title (or maybe question body too) as described in here.

Assuming that existing workflow is as follow:

  1. User types question title
  2. SO suggests similar/related questions just beneath the question Title under Questions that may already have your answer section
  3. User adds body to the question, SO suggests similar question to the right sidebar under Similar Questions section

Would it make any difference if the workflow was follow:

  1. User provide tags first
  2. User types question title
  3. SO suggest similar/related questions based not only on question title but, also tags under Questions that may already have your answer section
  4. User adds body to question, SO suggest similar question to the right sidebar under Similar Questions section

While the main purpose of tags are to filter/categorize questions, would it make any difference if they are also used to suggest similiar questions before question is posted under Questions that may already have your answer section?

If using tags to suggest similar/related questions improve the suggestion list, then it could potentially reduce the number of duplicate questions in SO.

I am just curious whether use of tags along with question title make suggestion of similar/related questions any better?



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