I recently received a comment under an older (2012), jQuery UI-related answer of mine. The comment in question only consisted in:
please share a working fiddle
I had a hard time understanding the rationale behind that request, given that:
- The question itself did not contain either HTML markup or a fiddle link, and did not need that to stand on its own,
- My answer was also self-contained, built upon the questioner's code, and can also stand on its own I believe,
- There is enough context in both the question and the answer for the commenter to create a fiddle themselves if they are so inclined,
- The code in my answer works (and still works, I double-checked), so this wasn't an indirect way for the commenter to bring my attention to a wrong answer,
- We've had Stack Snippets for a while now, so requesting an external fiddle seemed quite odd to me.
I could have replied to the comment, possibly along the lines of Can't you make one yourself?, but it would not have been nice. I could have ignored it, and that was tempting, but I was worried about the broken windows effect since I did not believe such a comment to be constructive in the first place. So I went ahead and flagged the comment as not constructive.
The flag was declined.
So now I'm wondering if comments like this are actually welcome here. For a while now I have observed a trend in JavaScript questions, where some users always request a "working fiddle" even if the question can readily be answered (sometimes even on obvious typo-related questions). I personally do not wish the same thing to happen in answers too.
What do you think?