This isn't going to be a complete answer, but I did decline both of the flags mentioned above, so I can elaborate on my thoughts.
A question merge is completely irreversible, even by moderators. Therefore, we're very hesitant to use this because we can't undo a bad call.
A merge effectively combines two questions into one. All answers, comments, etc. are transferred from one question to another. Answers and comments aren't reworked or rewritten, so if there is even a slight difference between the two questions, the answers and comments merged over from the other question can seem weird or even wrong.
I've tended to only merge questions where it was clear they were identical (same user double-posted or created a new account and used that to repost their question) and where there were answers of value on both versions of a question.
If the questions aren't word-for-word replicas, I'm very reluctant to merge. This is particularly true if one question is not even closed as a duplicate of another (the case for one of the above). Moderators are rarely subject matter experts on the material involved, so we can't truly judge if something is completely identical and if all the answers and comments would indeed apply to another question if merged over to it.
For example, two of the questions you point out above are phrased:
What is the difference between parseInt(string) and Number(string) in JavaScript?
in one and
How do parseInt() and Number() behave differently when converting strings to numbers?
in another. Those are pretty close, but does the "when converting strings to numbers" bit in the second give it a slightly different tone than the first? I'm not confident enough to say one way or another.
If I miss a subtle difference between the two, merge them anyway, and then someone complains and points out the difference, the damage cannot be undone. I therefore err on the side of caution with merges.