On December 3, 2015, Swift was released as open source project on https://swift.org. Since then, several question were posted which refer particularly to this open source edition, and not to the Swift compiler/runtime that comes with Xcode on OS X.

Some (non-representative) examples:

The questions are less about the core language itself (which hasn't changed very much from Swift 2.1/Xcode 7.1 yet), but more about the availability and usage of external frameworks, how to call external functions etc. Even on the same platform OS X there are differences between these Swift versions, e.g. how to build a project.

I wonder how these question should be tagged:

I don't know what the best would be, that's why I am asking here.

  • 4
    Do we need to worry about this until there's actually branching in the language? Platform tags should be able to handle it. Analogously, we have [gnustep] [objc] [windows] and [cocoa] [objc] [osx].
    – jscs
    Commented Dec 8, 2015 at 19:28
  • 1
    @JoshCaswell: From the above examples, the first two could be tagged [swift][linux]. – The third one is about the open source Swift on OS X, and [swift][osx] would not disambiguate it from questions about Xcode's Swift (where the problem does not exist). – The last one applies to open source Swift on all (supported) platforms.
    – Martin R
    Commented Dec 8, 2015 at 19:34
  • I said on the previous discussion that [swift] isn't enough... apparently I was ahead of times.
    – Braiam
    Commented Dec 9, 2015 at 0:06
  • 2
    And please, let [open-source] die already...
    – Braiam
    Commented Dec 9, 2015 at 0:07
  • 2
    I'm all for [swift.org] or [swift-opensource]. Or anything else but we really should be able to separate Xcode's Swift from Swift.org's Swift in the tags. Something like "[swift][osx]" is now very ambiguous about which Swift version the question is about. Being able to do "[swift.org][osx]" or equivalent would be great.
    – Eric Aya
    Commented Dec 9, 2015 at 18:06

1 Answer 1



I'd go for adding at least or . (Personally, I favor the former.) Then use the tag wiki/excerpt to clarify that the tag should be used for issues specific to the open source project.


Even before open-source, was getting used for multiple kinds of questions, and now there are even more:

  1. Questions about the language itself or its standard library, and/or questions with another objective where the language is important. (i.e. "How do I do XYZ in Swift?")

  2. Questions about development for Apple platforms, where the code in the question happens to be in Swift. (i.e. "How do I do XYZ? BTW, I'm using Swift") These are really questions about UIKit or Cocoa or SpriteKit or WatchConnectivity or whatever, so any substantive discussion of them isn't necessarily language-specific.

  3. Questions about the open source project itself: e.g. building/installing/using the toolchain, doing compiler-development work, attempting to port it to other OS, etc.

  4. Questions about writing Swift programs for Linux (or other platforms where open-source Swift is eventually available)

  5. Questions about the "side projects" associated with open-source Swift, like the package manager and the open-source Swift version of Foundation

If you're looking for #2 or #4 questions, you can use tag combinations (, , etc). If you want #1 or #3 or #5 specifically, it's hard to search without getting a high signal-noise ratio. Adding a tag or two to distinguish the #3 and #5 questions would certainly help.


  • As for #1 vs #2 & #4, disambiguating language-specific questions from language-and-target questions is a more general weakness of our tag system — it applies just as well to questions about C++ itself vs questions about developing for platform Foo using C++. This isn't a proposal to fix that (though that'd be a nice thing to fix in general).

  • Since Apple's claimed intention is to do further Swift development out in the open, there shouldn't be much divergence in the language itself. (Unless someone forks the project, at which time we can make or whatever.) Version-specific Swift tags are already causing trouble, so we don't really need to fork the tag space around the language itself so much as around the different parts of the Swift ecosystem. (Other languages have it easier here in that the compilers have well-known other names, so you can ask about separately.)

  • 1
    Thank you very much for your elaborate answer, much appreciated! I also would favor [swift-opensource]. – If some more people express their approval explicitly (as a comment or answer), I would be willing to add tags to affected questions. Until now I am reluctant to do so because I sense some scepticism from the comments and downvotes on the question. Also some more opinions on [swift-opensource] vs [swift.org] would be helpful.
    – Martin R
    Commented Dec 12, 2015 at 8:29

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