There is this problem with some questions - some important details are missing. People post comments suggesting that the OP add these details (e.g. additional pieces of code, or results of specific debugging actions), but OP doesn't add these details.
(side note: here are my conjectured reasons for why he doesn't do it:
- Too lazy
- Doesn't understand that he can edit the question
- Misjudging the constructive comments as offensive
- Hopes that some exceptionally smart people can answer his question without additional clarifications
Sometimes, when I see this with no reaction from OP, and his post has no votes, I downvote the question just to nudge him (and upvote a comment that requests the additonal info).
Does this have any chance to help? Are there any experimental data that show whether this behavior is constructive?
Also - would a comment like this be constructive?
-1 (or downvoted) until you add details on X and Y, requested by user Z
I understand that mentioning voting in comments is frowned upon (or maybe banned - not sure) - but would this be an exception? Why? Why not?
I am effectively "holding their question hostage until a certain action is taken" - as noted by Kevin B. I don't see it as a threat - I already did the negative action - it's more like a promise: "I'll take my negative action back when/if you do a certain action". My idea is that it's easy to ignore (or just genuinely miss) comments, but a big bad "-1" near your content on the Internet asks for action! (maybe)