One of the common things I see arise is for an author of a question to ask a question about one thing but was actually meaning another. Here's a very fresh example:
Polymorphism and Slicing with references
The question is about object slicing but the example shown exhibits no slicing. It's really exhibiting the need for double dispatch or some other form of branching based on the type of an object.
It's a decent, clear question though with an MCVE. All the author did was mistakenly diagnose the problem which is not uncommon at that level.
Yet it seems really intrusive if we edit the question and title for the author, but the author probably won't do it (it would change the very nature of his question). To do it for him could also trample all over his intentions.
So I'm wondering what to do about these -- simply keep them as they are, a misleading question leading to a clear answer, or update the question (still in sync with the answer).
It's awkward to say the least, and the kind of edit that, unless people took the time to really examine what the author was asking, could seem very intrusive and unwarranted. It might also upset the author. Ugh.
I tend to just leave them as is to avoid toe-stepping. But there are far too many decent answers to misleading questions that I see like this, where they'll likely end up being overlooked due to the misunderstanding of the person raising the question.