I think I see why this got buried in the "other" flags and wasn't handled as quickly as similar flags. This is the text of your flag:
Blatant plagarism: [URL]
In order to better group "other" flags (which can be for every action under the sun) some of us are using a prototype flag filtering script. The filtering for the plagiarism grouping picks out all flags with "plagia" or "copied" in them. The minor typo in your above flag meant that it was not picked up by this filter, so it fell back into the unsorted pile of "other" flags. I regularly sweep through plagiarism flags and try to handle those quickly, but this one didn't come up.
We've been burning down this pile after the return of several moderators, and yours was one of the oldest "other" flags still remaining. It was surrounded by trickier problems or ones that may require SE employee intervention, so it got overlooked in there.
I took care of it, but I don't know that I'd call this a case of "blatant" plagiarism, as there wasn't any wording copied and the section of code used was drawn from within a block of code in the other answer you linked. That other answer looked like it might have been drawn from some example code, which this answer could have been, as well.
People reuse code all the time, so it's harder to judge whether cases like this are truly plagiarism. I've added a reference to the other answer to indicate possible sourcing, but I don't think this is bad enough to warrant deletion.