(Note: I started this answer very differently, have rewritten it a few times, and ended up with two different “starts” I don’t want to leave out. I unite both lines of thinking later, but don’t be confused.)
I want to start with my opinion that having good answers on a question that is then closed as a duplicate is not a bad thing. Not at all. There are often good questions that tend to appear as something else first so it makes sense to write a good answer for it. There might be a duplicate that covers it properly, but that doesn’t mean that a more specialized answer for that specific question is bad. It is maybe needless, but not bad, and as such not something we should punish.
And those people that happen (or try) to be the FGITW, I don’t think they automatically have bad intentions. Many of them actually spend a good amount of time and work on their answers, maybe starting with a quick and short solution (which already answers the question), expanding it then into a very detailed and amazing answer. I know that I often work like that, deciding to flesh out my answer further after initially pressing the submit button. And I do know that a lot others also work like that. And hell, if we’re being honest, those answers often turn out to be amazing, providing a crazy amount of quality that’s really worth to stay around.
But in order for people to get there, it takes motivation. Motivation that spending that (often not little) time on that one question is actually worth it. It does not necessarily take possible reputation for that motivation. More often than not it is the knowledge that nobody else has answered the question yet. If I come across a good question for which I would be able to provide a good answer, if there are already answers that solve the problem, then the probability is high that I won’t bother to post. Not because I wouldn’t be able to share additional details which could possibly surpass the other answers, but simply because I don’t have the motivation to work on a question which has already been answered. I can’t tell exactly why, but I suspect that it is the “racing” to a high quality answer which I take the most fun out of.
I know that there are people who prefer posting on older questions. Who dig out an older topic, sometimes months old, research and write a very detailed answer for an already solved problem. Thankfully, those answers tend to get the attention they deserve and do get a fair amount of reputation, often overpassing existing answers, and sometimes even getting the accept tick. It is awesome that this works, and that the people who enjoy that are rewarded for their work. But it’s simply not something I want to do all the time.
What I want to say is that FGITW in its essence is not really the problem. It’s totally cool that people take their motivation out of it. What is the problem is that being FGITW is often a requirement for success. That’s a mentality problem. Not necessarily with people answering, but with the community in general.
Let’s look at this from a different perspective. Let’s take the situation TigerhawkT3 experienced as an example:
The Python tag fortunately has a lot of regulars who really care about the tag, spending a huge amount of time to ensure that it’s as good as it is. In order to be able to close duplicates quickly, we even maintain an index of good targets. Some regulars monitoring the new questions even know a majority of good close targets off the top of their head, which makes that even faster. And usually, this all goes really well. Duplicate questions are banhammered really quickly, and other off-topic questions are also closed within a few minutes. So the damage that can be done is often small. And those few answers that may make it through are either good enough (which may give them a few upvotes and an accept—which is fine!), or they are just bad and don’t get any attention (or negative attention…). And this works; most of the time.
But every now again, what was described here happens: Someone, more often than not one who should know better, decides to become zealous about defending their bad answer on a bad question. It’s especially bad if they didn’t even read the question properly and as such produced an incorrect answer. We all make mistakes, regardless of your experience, and we all happen to misinterpret questions some time or another. That’s not so bad, if you then update your answer correctly. And if your answer only contains irrelevant things, then you should rewrite it completely (though, if it’s of some value, I can understand if you want to leave the old content accessible in some way—but with a clear indication that it solves a different problem).
Anyway, I know this is super frustrating for people who spend the time to try to clean up the site. But the best thing we can do in that situation is just to move on, or to step away from the question until OP responds and clears up misunderstandings.
What’s worse is that other tags don’t work as properly. I’m currently working on my C# gold tag, so I can finally start hammering questions, because I had a terrible experience: You can add a duplicate close vote on questions, and people just don’t care. Minutes after I vote for duplicate (making that very visible comment appear), multiple answers can arrive that contain literally the same thing (not copied, but simply identical since the question is so simple). And those answers get upvotes; lots of them; and for all of them. And the question too. Meanwhile, I’m still sitting there, waiting for the question to be closed, which may happen—or it doesn’t. There are sometimes clear duplicates that stay open for another day or so.
Since I’ve had those experiences, I started to look at the other problems differently. Yes, the FGITW is a problem, but what might be worse is that a lot of people participating here are not only participating in the FGITW contest, but that there are probably even more people who don’t care at all about cleaning up the site and trying to maintain a good repository of questions. How else would I explain that for Python, an off-topic or duplicate question takes maybe ~2 minutes to get closed, while for C# (which is at least as big a tag) it can easily take days or not happen at all!
So when you complain about FGITW, I want to complain more about the missing mentality of people to clean up. I don’t want to penalize FGITW; I want to discourage it, make it less necessary, but without having a penalty for those people who happen to be the FGITW but with good intentions. Instead, I want to encourage people to care more. Care about the quality of questions, about the quality of answers; and about cleaning up questions which should be closed, questions which should get no attention.
I’m not sure how we can achieve this, but it is not something we can get from penalties. It’s also difficult to reward people for doing clean up tasks. We don’t want people to handle the whole site as they handle e.g. the review queue where everything gets processed as quickly as possible to be one of those who made a decision (there we have a real FGITW problem; see also). What we need is something that changes the mentality of people, to make it more worthwhile for them to focus on quality on the whole site instead of focusing on their short-term success for a single answer on a bad question.
Finally, as for the suggested solutions, I don’t think they will work. Removing rewards is not fair for those with good intentions (as explained above, there can be good answers even to questions being closed later). On the other hand, giving rewards for cleaning up will create the wrong motivation, since you can only reward the clean-up task but not the ultimate objective of a well maintained site (see review queues). And as for adding a delay for answers, you practically cannot stop people from starting their draft as soon as the question is posted. Sure, hide the editor, but that will not stop people. Many people start working in a REPL anyway, and there is nothing stopping them from writing their answer in a text editor, pasting it in as soon as the time limit is over. And as aroth says, this would only delay the FGITW effect.
But similarly, delaying the visibility of posted answers is also not good. It devalues the amount of work people spend on their answers. Instead of telling them upfront that there are already answers, we leave them with the illusion that there are no answers yet, frustrating them when the answers are then published and they find out that someone else already posted a much more detailed answer which covers everything they have said (I was often in the process of writing an answer just to see that another answer is posted which covers exactly or more of what I was going to write; so I scrap my answer and move on). When we think about solutions, we cannot only think about the bad examples, but we also need to think about the good people with good intentions, writing good answers.
As I am writing this, I have a different suggestion. If we think about it, what is the real problem which FGITW causes? Early answers getting early upvotes and more attention although much better answers may be in development. So not-so-good answers get all the first bunch of votes, (a) adding incentive to be among the first group in order to get votes, and (b) removing the attention from later answers (regardless of quality) because naturally less upvoted answers are shown at the bottom.
So maybe, the solution would be not to delay answers, but to delay votes. Think about it: If we could not vote at all in the first 5 to 10 minutes, all answers would have an equal chance at getting the initial attention from voters. And this would give users to ability to flesh out answers properly without that big pressure to be among the first. And that would maybe help giving less attention to lower-quality answers, removing the incentive to just “shoot first” without thinking about it.
thing was way off the mark). OP was justifiably confused and asked several questions trying to get clarification. I'm not entirely convinced that OP wantedlen
and asking for clarification before duping would likely have helped him more.len()
that suffices for the closed question, and I don't see whygetsizeof()
wouldn't work for the linked question. If you believe it's wrong, you should explain the issue in a comment on it (and, ideally, add a better answer as well).