We already have review audits, which are designed to help new reviewers hone their moderation skills, while nudging more experienced users that don't seem to be paying close attention to what they're reviewing.
And I think they are a great in what they are doing. So why shouldn't we do the same for voting (up-/downvoting)?
Which brings me to the point: I want to propose that we also implement vote audits to show (new) users what they should/n't up-/downvote. Same as for review audits, vote audits would be fake posts designed as a test if you understand what should be up-/downvoted. The fake posts should be so obvious how you should vote on them and also shouldn't bother the "normal" users.
Also here a few examples how these vote audits could look like:
So I think these audits are pretty straight forward, but there are still users which vote in the wrong direction. There shouldn't be many vote audits displayed to you, just from time to time one audit.
And just as for review audits, if you fail them you will get a message like:
STOP! Look and Listen
This was an audit, designed to see if you were paying attention. You didn't pass. This post was of very poor quality - upvoting such posts hurts the ability of others to find and answer good questions. Please try to fix such posts by downvoting or flagging as "very low quality".
Don't worry, we've already handled this post appropriately - but please take a minute to look it over closely, keeping in mind the guidance above.
So vote audits should be designed to show users what posts to up-/downvote.
(Everything written above can still be changed, tweaked and is not written in stone. It should just be the general idea of what I want implemented as feature-request.)