We all want tags to be useful. The tag clean up (synonym or burninate) processes fix those tags silently, no bumping of the affected questions. In the same vein, I think it would be useful if edits that were only tag changes did not bump the question.
There's been several meta questions suggesting that minor edits don't bump, such as "'Bumping' question after editing" feature should be removed and Should VERY MINOR edits, NOT be bumped to the top?. As far as I can tell, these have all been opposed, at least partially to limit the potential for vandalism. However, I think the potential for retagging as vandalism is much lower.
There are two tags that I use that really need some cleaning. Both have fairly small numbers. Questions that should be agent-based-modeling sometimes get tagged as agent, such as python multi agent simulation packages. The other is social-networking which keeps on being added to posts that are about Facebook or other social media sites. I have tried to get this dealt with using ambiguity processes (see Replace [social-networking] tag with two separate and specific tags) but the proposal was essentially ignored. However, there are proper Facebook tags, so I would be happy to go through the questions manually, removing the inappropriate tag and adding an appropriate one.
I did do a few tag edits manually (making other edits as appropriate) and then realised this was bumping the question so stopped.