Normally, when a question is closed, all voters are shown as closing the question for the majority reason, regardless of whether or not they voted for that reason.
But there is an exception. If the majority reason is "Off-topic", then all of the specific off-topic reasons are listed, each with the user who cast that specific vote.
Here is an example with a standard close reason. We do not know who voted for what, just the majority voted for "Unclear what you are asking"
And here is an off-topic close (the off-topic reasons are out of date, but it still illustrates the point)
Keep in mind that the specific off-topic reasons are all classified as "Off-Topic", so you only need a majority of all of the "off-topic" reasons combined. This can make it more confusing when you have a non-unanimous majority in favor of off-topic.
For example, 2 votes for unclear, 3 votes for off-topic (split between 1 for "tool request", 1 for "belongs on Super User", and 1 custom close reason) will show up as follows:
- It will be closed as "Off-topic" with all 5 voters attached to off-topic
- It will then list the 2 standard "off-topic" reason, each attributed to the single user who voted for that reason.
- The user who voted with the custom reason will only be attributed to close voting in the comments.
- The 2 voters for "Unclear what you are asking" will also not be attributed to a more specific close reason.