A while ago, I started a project - TaggerBot. Some may remember it from Is TaggerBot a good idea?.
It has developed from that stage, and has got better. However, it's been getting better through my own ideas, which may not always be the best or even right.
I'd like to ask for specific, directed feedback on how I could improve the system. For example, I've implemented a database that is used to blacklist tags that the bot should never suggest, and I've added some tags to it that I think shouldn't be used - but I'm never going to get all of them. If I were to ask a question here on Meta about what tags I should blacklist, I'd be able to get a lot more input to make the system even better.
To clarify, these are not programming or implementation questions - I would be asking for meta-feedback or ideas to improve, rather than assistance or ideas on actually making the system.
Now, debates about the bot itself's usefulness aside, is this something that Meta would be OK with?
Thanks for the feedback. I have now gone and created a chatroom - come and join me: https://chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/31772/taggerbots-development-room