I've made this answer Community Wiki, with the intent of capturing issues with the old surveys in one "answer". Please comment or edit. I'll help to maintain this answer as the "improvement suggestion" answer.
This isn't so much a new question, but suggestions for improving old questions, should they be reused this year. Thinking back to last year and reviewing the old survey results, I found three sections that had significant issues and should be reworked.
Educational Information
The level education question is somewhat unclear. First, it neglected an explicit inclusion for people who have a Bachelor of Arts in Computer Science or Master of Arts in Computer Science. I've also noticed that there is an increase in free courseware and free "boot camp" style courses.
My recommendations for an education question would be about the highest level of education obtained:
- Self-taught, including free online educational programs
- On-the-job training
- Industry certification program
- Boot-camp program
- Some college or university coursework, but did not complete a degree program
- Completed a degree program (at any level) in an unrelated field
- Completed undergraduate degree in computer science or related field
- Completed graduate degree in computer science or related field
- Completed doctoral studies in computer science or related field
- Other
The technologies questions should be broken out by languages, frameworks, and tools. For example, in last year's survey, the most dreaded contained "Visual Basic", "Wordpress", and "Matlab". But it doesn't give that much information. Was it Sharepoint development that was terrible, or just the fact that your company used Sharepoint and you hate it? The correct answer is that Sharepoint is just plain bad, but that's beside the point.
I don't know if the prework is feasible, but from a data perspective, if lots of people love working with Ruby but hate Rails, that can give useful information to people that maybe if they want to keep Ruby developers happy, they'll use a framework other than Rails. I don't mean to pick on Ruby and Rails here, but it was the best concrete example I could come up with.
I'd also generally like to see more inclusive tool questions. For example, the text editor question didn't include IDEs. I think it would be more useful to ask about what tools you use to write code in.
Occupation and Industry
This is a big hole in the survey. I didn't know how to answer it.
First, there needs to be a differentiation between "role" and "occupation". For example, my occupation is software engineer. But I have many roles - I'm a software developer, I'm a software tester, I'm a software process engineer, I'm a project lead.
Second, it's missing an entire level of management. You have "student" roles, "developer / administrator" technical roles, and "executive" roles. This is totally missing engineering management / front-line management style roles.
I just generally think that all of the occupation / roles questions need to be reworked to address who developers are and what they do.
The industry section is also extremely lacking. For example, my company's parent company is a conglomerate. My company (business unit) is aerospace. My segment is aerospace and defense. None of these were valid choices in 2015. Automotive was another industry that was clearly lacking. The fact that "Other" was 20% of the survey seems to be an issue - what were those others and how should they be broken down?