This is not a programming question, but more an issue with MSDN Magazine old links.

Many answers & comments on stackoverflow have msdn magazine links. Like this voted answer for the question. MSDN Link : http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/cc188707.aspx. This link is dead and redirects to MSDN magazine home page. This is one example, there are lot many dead links like this.

Currently, I believe links older than 2008 have been archived and are available as CHM files only.

So, My question

Is there a way to get the MSDN magazine issue Year and month from a Link ? Is their a online copy of archive hosted by any other 3rd party maintaining these links ? Note: I have read the article mentioned in the link few year back. I am not just looking for information of above link, but for all the dead links which we get in stackoverflow.



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