Before you say never I will invite you to think about this example:
you are connected to a oracle database and when you do rs.getString(1)
you get this stacktrace.
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -5
at oracle.sql.LnxLibThin.lnxnuc(
at oracle.sql.NUMBER.toText(
The first action I will take is to search "oracle.sql.LnxLibThin.lnxnuc(" on my favorite search engine to understand what is happening...
For now, your lucky and SO has an answer (not the best one...) because unfortunately the question is closed.
Why is it closed?, well first I believed that the question was read to quickly "this user is crazy trying to index -5", so I entered the "so-close-vote-reviewers" (maybe you should not...) and asked what they belived.
They correctly pointed out that it was missing MCVE since exact driver version is not indicated (so future user can't determine if he is in same situation) and since I have great respect for the persons dedicating time to clean up SO, for me that was it.
Time goes by and every day I see students posting there homework, this is surely nice for new user who need some points and learn how to answer questions on SO... but hardly useful for "professional and enthusiast programmers"
Instead maybe the oracle.sql.LnxLibThin.lnxnuc(
would be more useful for "professional and enthusiast programmers", even if the OP does not give a d*** posting his driver version and other useful info.
If I have same error in
(same row), I can be pretty sure I'm using same library..
So I end up posting here not to reopen the question, but for some advice and reflections on how we can promote questions that are useful for professional and enthusiast programmers, more tolerance on how question is made?, a stack trace say's more then 1M words?....
or maybe the job for the great guys in the "so-close-vote-reviewers" only get more complex....
EDIT: @Makoto in a comment managed to summarize my feeling
"those asking questions about their homework are providing more details about their problem than the professionals."
so we end up with questions of homework? or can we create value in another way?
Initially I did not wan't to include the question in post, since this is not about this single question, but the problem of OP not posting MVCE on a question that probably is a really good question.. however I like to avoid you having to search on google so here its is arrayindexoutofbounds-when-getting-data-from-an-oracle-database
. All the questions (except the canonical) are more or less useless. Once you understand what the exception means, the rest is debug work and that's not up to Stack Overflow. In this case, the exception seems to be thrown in some Oracle library. Report it or submit a fix. Again, not something Stack Overflow should be involved in.