
On the right, it says...

In the nomination phase, any community member in good standing with more than 3,000 reputation may nominate themselves to be a community moderator.

...but apparently you must also have some badges (see the body)...

...an eligible candidate for the election must have all of the following badges: Civic Duty, Strunk & White, Deputy, Convention

Also there is no mention of the needed reputation in the body, so you kinda have to read both, even though it may, of course, be self explanatory for those who're eligible for nomination.

I find this is a little confusing. Do you think this should be changed or is there a reason why it's been set up this way?

1 Answer 1


I vote we change it to something like this (note that Stack Overflow is the only site that has badge requirements):

In the nomination phase, any community member in good standing with more than 3,000 reputation, and required badges, may nominate themselves to be a community moderator.

In the bottom bar, we should make it clear when you don't have the required badges - ideally indicating which ones are missing. I'm a fan of how http://elections.stackexchange.com shows this:

enter image description here

We could do the same thing on the election page.

  • 5
    It would also be helpful if the badges that count toward the candidate score and those listed on elections.stackexchange.com were the same. For example, Outspoken is not one of the ones that matters to candidate score. That can be a little confusing.
    – elixenide
    Commented Nov 11, 2015 at 18:42
  • @EdCottrell Agreed.
    – benomatis
    Commented Nov 11, 2015 at 18:45
  • 1
    @EdCottrell Will look into tweaking that, thanks!
    – Tim Stone
    Commented Nov 11, 2015 at 19:09

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