I have an identity on Stack Overflow. (n.b. I'd log this as a StackExchange issue - but I cannot get logged in there)
I am registered as also being a member of other communities, e.g. Server Fault, Stack Overflow Meta, English Language Learning, etc.
I'm also informed I have a Stack Exchange identity.
I am failing to log in to it, despite easily logging in to my StackOverflow id.
I am offered 5 OpenId options -
Stack Exchange, Google, Facebook, Yahoo` and OpenId
Or, you can manually enter your OpenID.
My StackOverflow id was either set up as my Google id, based on my email, or as a StackOverflow id, again based on my Google email id.
Attempting to log in to StackExchange via Google fails with the message
This login is new to Stack Exchange: stackauth.com/synthetic-open-id/google/[redacted] Confirm and Create New Account Cancel If you think you already have a Stack Exchange account, and you were just trying to associate a new OpenID with your existing account, you're in the wrong place.
So I attempted using the Stack Exchange option
Sign in with your account Email Password Sign In
This failed, so I used the link for
If you’ve forgotten or lost your login information click here to recover your account
which leads to
Account Recovery Forgotten your account's password? Enter your email address and we'll send you a recovery link.
Doing so returns:
No account with that email was found
(This is a gmail.com email account, that Google sometimes used to alias behind the scenes as a googlemail.com account. So I also tried with that alias. This also returned
No account with that email was found
Next, I tried
you can manually enter your OpenID
which returned:
Unable to log in with your OpenID provider: No OpenID endpoint found.
(same goes for the @googlemail.com alias)
In my Profile's My Logins tab, it lists two login ids
The first is 'Google', the second is '[myRedactedEmailAddress]@gmail.com
I attempted to remove the second, the non-Google one, (but which still uses the same email address), and was informed
You cannot remove your only login
code formatting
for things that aren't code.