Almost every user has the ability to flag posts, yet it's clear that many do not understand what flags are for or what moderators can do about them. Even very active users can be unaware of subtleties around flag handling, like the fact that even moderators can't migrate posts more than 60 days old.
To date, moderators have used declined flags to try to educate flaggers as to what kind of flags are inappropriate to use on content. This has been enhanced by the timed warnings and bans that the system now imposes after a significant portion of flags are declined.
However, this can also lead to some consternation on the part of the flagger (which we occasionally see on Meta) and does nothing for the many new users who fire off one or two "plz anser thz urgent" flags and then stop.
I propose to use time-of-flagging heuristics to detect potentially bad "other" flags as they're being written and to warn people before those flags are submitted. Ideally, this would catch flags we can't act on before they were cast and would educate a flagger without the disappointment of a declined flag.
I imagine a warning similar to the one that was tried on database-related tags:
and that would pop out of the flag prompt as you were typing, if a heuristic was tripped. While I recognize that many people ignore text that is placed in front of them, these kinds of warnings do catch your eye and people did seem to pay attention to them when used for the database tags.
I envision a few heuristics to start with:
Migration requests for content more than 60 days old
Even moderators can't migrate questions that are more than 60 days old, so we decline almost all of these flags. If a question is more than 60 days old, and someone flags it with "migrat" or "mov" somewhere in the flag, they should be presented with a warning like:
This question is too old to be migrated, even by moderators. Any flag to request this will be declined.
Flags indicating incorrect answers
Moderators are not here to judge the correctness of answers, yet we are often flagged by people stating that one answer or another is incorrect. If someone flags an answer using the words "incorrect" or "wrong", they should see a warning of
Flags should not be used to indicate technical inaccuracies, or an altogether wrong answer.
(which is a built-in flag decline reason at present)
Flags asking moderators to answer their question
These are perhaps the most infuriating flags that we see, because of the often extremely selfish nature of them and the fact that they are nowhere near an appropriate use of flags. Interestingly, no other site in the Stack Exchange network sees these, just Stack Overflow. Some examples:
Please help me to solve this problem... There are few more errors
Need urgent help. I need to do this for a college homework
Please I need answers to my question. I'm yet to resolve this challenge.
please Help for me..........
Need urgent help!!
Expecting a solution
need urgently
m.m,ms laxkamx;lamx;lax;la;lxa;lx
help me for
i am flagging this question beacuse i dont find an answer as i aspact
I've been analyzing the ones of these that I've handled over the last few months and have seen some patterns in them. In 580 flags like this that I've handled, the word "urgent" appears 121 times, the phrase "help me" 92 times, "asap" 11 times, and I'm still doing data mining to identify other likely indicators of flags like this on questions. Words like "urgent" and "asap" almost never appear on good flags, and "help me" rarely does.
If you'd like to take a stab at data mining these yourself, and don't mind staring into the abyss, I've extracted and anonymized over 400 of these terrible flags in this gist.
For flags on questions that meet these heuristics, a warning like the following could be presented:
Flags are not to be used to request answers. Moderators do not answer flagged questions.
I'm open to any other suggestions for heuristics on bad flags that other moderators or users could provide in answers below, and I'll edit this with others as I think of them.
For now, I'm posting this on Meta.SO because we have a different class of bad flags than other sites do, so these heuristics may not apply across the network.
To be clear: I'm not asking for a ban on casting flags that meet these heuristics, because we've had "porblems" with banning keywords in the past. I think a pop-up warning in line with the flag text box would catch the eye of flaggers and could stop a number of these before they are filed. Even those leaving "answer my question" flags seem to stop after being told this is inappropriate.
I think it's worth a try to potentially reduce the flag workload and educate flaggers in a gentler way.