I've been contributing heavily to Stack Overflow for the last 2 to 3 years now, mostly in java and related tags. I've matured through my contributions and experiences.
Lately, I've been spending my time moderating rather than providing answers (or questions).
I've been:
- closing what I consider are duplicates (hammer)
- voting to close homework dumps, typos, unclear or incomplete questions, broad questions, library requests, opinion-based questions
- voting to delete all the above
- voting to delete spam, plagiarism, wrong answers, (even fastest gun in the west)
I've been downvoting for those reasons (and more) as well. I routinely run out of votes. When that happens, I've started favoriting bad questions so I can vote on them later. But this just makes the next day worse. I'll obviously never catch up on the bad content. And this is to be expected with current voting limits and the popularity of these tags.
Once I reach this state, however, there's not much else I can do. I'll typically comment why things are bad and what my actions would be, but users have different opinions about what Stack Overflow is or should be, or feel bad for users, or whatever it is, and don't act the way I do. They'll upvote trash, provide answers, etc.
There are a few users that I see eye to eye and who help keep the tag(s) clean. But we live in different time zones or aren't on at the same time. There's a limit to what we can coordinate as well.
What other options do I have? Is this what Stack Overflow expects of me? Once my votes are up for the day, is my job done? Should privileges scale up even more somehow (gold badge, activity, etc.)?
Does Stack Overflow need a campaign to inform its users of its standards (are my standards even the same)?
For example, where I ran out of votes today, this question should be closed for any of number of reasons: typo/syntax (=
as a method invocation operator???), too broad (not going to start answering questions about how to invoke methods), no MCVE (not enough details, lacking error).
It should be downvoted as well: unclear, lack of research (the tutorial definitely does not use =
to invoke a method), completely not useful (no one will meaningfully search for this problem). Yet people are still defending it and its answers, even high rep users.
I'm not necessarily saying that I don't want to help these users, but I'd simply post a comment explaining the problem and then close/delete.
I have more examples if you need them.
on particularly egregious examples.