Hidden away right at the end of the What kind of behaviour is expected of users? is a link to Community Promotion Ads. Skim-reading this Stack Overflow blog entry from May 2011 has lead me to create this post.
Problem #1 - A Missing Image
The first problem is that one of the images is broken. Not a huge issue, but an issue nonetheless:
That cute little , which Chrome is nice enough to display, links to https://blog.stackoverflow.com/wp-content/uploads/community-promotion-ad-meta-post.png, which in turn greets me with the following message (which goes on to tell me to make this post that I'm making right now (go me!)):
Sorry, we can't find that page that you're looking for.
Problem #2 - A Tedious Link Chain
The second and arguably more important issue is that the blog post goes on to include this:
Incidentally, we just reset the Free Vote-Based Advertising for Stack Overflow, so get on over there to issue your new ad submissions and vote for your favorite content!
Clicking on that link will take you to a post on Stack Exchange's Meta titled Open Source Advertising - Sidebar - 2H 2011 [duplicate]. Yes. A dirty duplicate! But that's not the main problem here. The main problem here is that this is a chain of devilish, dirty duplicates:
- Open Source Advertising - Sidebar - 2H 2011 [duplicate]
- ↳ Open Source Advertising - Sidebar - 1H 2012 [duplicate]
- ↳ Open Source Advertising - Sidebar - 2012 [duplicate] <-- Oh no, this one's missing the "2H"!
- ↳ Open Source Advertising - Sidebar - 1H 2013 [duplicate]
- ↳ Open Source Advertising - Sidebar - 2H 2013 [duplicate]
- ↳ Open Source Advertising - Sidebar - 1H 2014 [duplicate] <-- Wait, we're now on Stack Overflow's Meta?
- ↳ Open Source Advertising - Sidebar - 2H 2014 [duplicate]
- ↳ Open Source Advertising - Sidebar - 1H 2015
Problem #3 - Where's 2015's 2H Edition?!
The third and final problem here is that with 4 years of precious somewhere-between-April-and-September tradition, this year appears to be missing an Open Source Advertising - Sidebar - 2H 2015 [Duplicate].
Can we...
- Get that image working again.
- Update all of those articles to be an article of the latest revision.
- Create a 2H post for 2015 and go back to the previous step.