This originally was a feature request, but Brad pointed out that suggestion #2 is how the system is supposed to work, so this actually appears to be a bug. Is it really a bug?
For what it's worth, I also might have found another distantly related bug around how spam answers aren't censored properly if they've been manually edited.
I've noticed that when an answer is flagged as offensive, and is manually deleted by 20k+ rep users before it acquires the necessary 6 offensive flags to be auto-deleted by the system, the answer doesn't get the standard spam/offensive notice that such posts normally receive.
In the past I've manually censored such answers with the standard notice, but having to do so manually is frankly tiresome, and just seems to be less than ideal.
With that in mind, I have some suggestions about how we could possibly handle these cases better.
Suggestion #1: Allow Users to Flag Deleted Answers as Offensive
Currently the only flags that users can use on deleted answers are moderator-attention flags. We cannot flag a deleted answer with an offensive flag. I propose that users be allowed to flag deleted answers as offensive even when they are deleted, so that they can still be censored with an offensive notice automatically by the system.
Additionally, the OP of the answer should incur a -100 rep penalty (for main site answers), the same that would be incurred if the answer had accumulated 6 offensive flags before being manually deleted.
Suggestion #2: Auto-Censor Manually Deleted Answers that Have Accumulated Offensive Flags
As another possible improvement, when an answer is manually deleted by users, and the number of offensive flags on it is in the range 0 < flags < 6
, then the answer is again auto-censored by the system, as if it had acquired 6 offensive flags.
However, the answer owner does not incur a -100 rep penalty...at least not yet. When the answer is auto-censored, a moderator flag is automatically raised, so that a moderator can later verify that the answer should indeed receive an offensive notice. Upon verification, the moderator can then apply the -100 rep penalty, if appropriate.
Suggestion #3: Add an Edit Button That Will Auto-Apply an Offensive Notice
Finally, another possible improvement is just to add another edit button somewhere in the UI for 20+ users that will auto-apply an offensive notice to deleted answers. If users are going to censor such answers manually anyways, why not save them some copy & paste time?
Disadvantages: adding more buttons makes the UI more cluttered.
What do you guys think?
So do people think that any one of these suggestions are worth implementing? Or is it a waste of dev time, and users should just manually censor such answers when they're encountered?
Or, instead of modifying the system, should users instead change the way they handle offensive answers? Like, instead of manually deleting an offensive answer, should 20k+ users just stick to using offensive flags? I can see the advantage of being able to manually delete such answers, since it only requires 3 delete votes (vs 6 offensive flags) to remove the answers from public view.