I have seen default to HTTPS links when using Imgur links, https://www.stackoverflow.com redirects to insecure http://stackoverflow.com and HTTPS to Imgur?, but none of them really capture my question, which is:
When I grab the HTML to embed my flair should the links included (both the one to my profile and the one for the image) be given as HTTPS?
I noticed that they were not HTTPS when I embedded my flair on the new blog that I'm starting on GitHub Pages. Since I can access the web page over HTTP or HTTPS, I prefer HTTPS (as arguably everyone should nowadays) and provide links with the HTTPS scheme specified, but when I added my flair the reaffirming lock icon (in my Firefox URL bar) turned into an alarming warning triangle.
After I noticed this issue, I tried to change them to HTTPS and was somewhat surprisingly they worked. Then I immediately thought to myself: Shouldn't this be the default?
Perhaps I am wrong, but it feels as though if it's provided we should use it.
As Deduplicator mentioned below I now believe that the provided URLs should be made protocol relative.
I hate to sound "flip-floppy", but after seeing the comments and answer below, I gave it a ton of though and I'm going back to my original opinion that we should use HTTPS by default.