I recently came across https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33054651/how-may-i-find-keygen-of-the-crysis-2, which I flagged for moderator attention as "This question is asking how to commit software piracy." (The author quickly removed the question once I commented on it and flagged it, but you can tell from the title what the question was.) I've since learned that while questions about how to commit software piracy are certainly off-topic and should be closed as such, they are not per se a reason to delete a question.
But that's not why I'm asking a question now. You see, when I flagged that question, I also suggested that the user who asked that question should perhaps be banned as well. My reasoning was that anyone who asks about pirated software is not likely to be the kind of person who will make Stack Overflow a better site. But now I'm wondering: did I go too far in suggesting that that user be banned? Is a blatant request for software piracy a valid reason to ban a user? Or should we say "Well, he's probably young and stupid, give him a chance and he may grow up and become a useful, contributing user of the site"?